News of the World – In France, a powerful explosion erupted: first details and photos of the place


The night of February 10, in Lyon, France, an explosion occurred in a two-storey building that then caused a large-scale fire.

According to the police, an explosion cost the lives of two people. people, including a child. Four others were injured at various levels of severity.

"Two bodies were found, a woman and a child," police reported.

It is known that the explosion broke out in a bakery located on the first floor of a residential building. After that, the fire started to spread in the building.

Police are currently investigating the incident to determine the causes and circumstances of the tragedy.

 A powerful explosion broke out in France: first details and photos of the place

.  A powerful explosion erupted in France: the first details and photos of the place

 A powerful explosion erupted in France: the first details and photos of the place

 ] In France, a powerful explosion broke out in France: first details and photos of the place

 A powerful explosion explodes in France: the first details and photos of the place

February 9 , two passenger trains collided in the Spanish province of Catalonia. In the crash, one of the drivers died, dozens of people were injured.

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