News Show Business – Nothing natural: Loboda showed a new photo and was criticized


Popular singer Svetlana Loboda released her new photo and was criticized for an artificial appearance

According to information reported by FATHER TRUTH regarding the Instagram actress

Loboda poses in a silver dress with a deep neckline. Completed by a bright makeup image and a lipstick on her lips. "Last concert today", – she signed a photo.

See this article on Instagram

Last concert today

Publication of LOBODA (@lobodaofficial)

Users of the network have rated that singer also had the air unnatural and in she 19659008] traces interference plastic [19659010] surgeons : Lips pumped to . the trance is similar » « Terrible makeup » « None natural »[19659035] Nothing natural: Loboda showed a new picture and was criticized ” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-231325″ src=”” width=”550″ height=”721″ srcset=” 550w,×300.png 229w,×629.png 480w,×500.png 381w” sizes=”(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px”/>

Previously, we had written that Svetlana Loboda had been criticized for his free dance

Loboda also boasted of a string .

In addition, Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, after a concert in Russia, published an explicit photo on Instagram, causing the dissatisfaction of her fans.

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