Nissan Leaf accused of misleading buyers – News


In the UK, a scandal surrounding the provision of false information to consumers about the power of the electric car is blatant

Buyers found the inadequacy of advertising information and the actual number of kilometers traveled. According to several owners Nissan LEAF the company allegedly made false claims about the loading time and autonomy of the vehicle. In turn, he drew the attention of the Authority on advertising standards – the self-regulated organization of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. BBC reported this

In England, more than 2,600 electric cars Nissan LEAF have been sold since the launch of the advertisement. The What a Car edition called it "Electric Car of the Year" in 2018. But it turned out that the customers themselves were disappointed with the product and even claimed that ################################################################################# They had been deceived.

In an advertising company launched last year, the automaker claimed that electric car could be charged at 80% in 40 minutes from a powerful charging station and in a silent ride before that. Although the British did not go to their FAE and reloaded the power outlet more once on the road, they did not complain.

But one of the owners John Waidel made a 480-kilometer trip on his electric car. Nissan LEAF requires a wait of more than two hours to recharge the battery by 80% when connected to a fast charge.

"If Nissan really showed what an electric car capable on its resource, I would be calm, but they really fooled me, promising to recharge the pro 40-60 minutes," he said. at the BBC.

The company responded that the fast loading option only works once, so buyers do not know. The manufacturer said the charge may take longer than expected, and this will depend on many factors.

"The outside ambient temperature and the way you drive the car can affect the cooldown," – said Director of Nissan Europe Gareth Dunsmore Electric Vehicles

He noted that the battery automatically slows the charge in order to maintain durability, and not overheat. In addition, the charger itself may not be qualitative. He also noted that all this is described in the user manual.

The disturbance also caused the gap between the declared stock of the electric car ride, which in the brochures is 370 km, and in reality the car can only travel 250 kilometers. And it is already a double deception of the buyer.

Nissan noted that the initial figure of 370 km – an indicator of official measurements in the NEDC cycle (New European Cycle Cycle). However, recently, manufacturers are turning to compliance with new, more realistic WLTP indicators (World Harmonized Test Procedures for passenger cars), where Nissan LEAF reaches a range of 270 km. It's a compromise of Nissan. despite the fact that LEAF remains one of the best electric cars available today in the market.

Recall that in Japan developed the latest technology that will allow the battery to fully charge the electric car in 15 minutes. to the TSN Auto group on Facebook

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