No federalists – only flagship products and "halfway": HTC wants to compete with Apple


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Yesterday, HTC introduced the Desire 12S, which may become the last low-budget company. From now on, the company will focus on producing flagship products and models of the middle segment, while refusing to obtain state employees. And the wait for new products is not long: they will make their debut in the first half of 2019.

HTC hopes that such a strategy will allow them to increase sales and make profits. At the same time, some sources claim that the company's projects are rather ambitious: it wants to compete with Apple.

Basically, no revolution will happen, with the manufacturer paying more attention to the best smartphones in the past. But maybe in the future, HTC will add cutting-edge technology and reduce the cost of its flagship products – so you can always expect success and some sort of competition from the iPhone. Otherwise, the mobile unit will continue to gradually go down, and the dreams of "fighting" with Apple will remain fantastic.

In any case, Chen's statement also means that the company will not prevent the release of smartphones. , although many analysts, given the current state of the manufacturer, believe that this will happen sooner or later.

Remember earlier, there were rumors that HTC, instead, would give up the flagship for state employees, but society denies these rumors

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