No loss of performance. Is it possible to work four days a week and if it suits Ukrainians


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The reduction in the number of working days positively affects the working capacity of people

The Davos Economic Forum debated the initiative to reduce the number of working days four-day work

According to the psychologist at the Adam Grant School of Business, experiments conducted have shown the effectiveness of a four-day workweek. Reducing the number of working days positively affects people's work capacity. They are better focused on the work process, creativity increases.

In addition, workers in this case are more loyal to the company. Economist Rutger Bregman thinks that over time, people will be able to work less without harming production. That's to say that in four days, employees perform the same amount of work as in five days.

The most common five-day work week with two outgoing employees

The most common is a five-day work week with two outgoing employees. People in some post-Soviet countries and the United States work 40 hours a week. In the United States, such a standard workweek was introduced in the forties of the twentieth century. But now, it is important for state employees and many private companies have reduced this figure to 35 hours.

Europeans also work an average of 35 hours a week. In Asia, people work a lot more. The average working day in China lasts 10 hours and workers work six days. Holiday – 10 days a year

Five times a week, an eight-hour work day was set up in Ukraine in 1918.

Increasing efficiency

A four-week work week days is now testing companies from its offices around the world. The first results confirmed that the quality of work under such conditions had not decreased but on the contrary increased.

Employment legislation developed on the basis of "hours worked" poses difficulties

The New Zealand real estate company transferred employees to a four-week work week after the test period in New York. this mode has shown an increase in the productivity of the company. Its director and founder, Andrew Barnes, said that the experiment had proved effective.

The level of stress in the business declined and some of the staff said that his work did not interfere with his personal life. Difficulties arise, however, because employment laws are always based on "hours worked" rather than "productivity".

"The Labor Relations Act requires that all employment contracts specify the agreed hours of work in the office, the days of the week, when the work is to be completed, and the start time. and end of work, and when we try to set a flexible schedule, as is the case now, this will not happen because the legislation was changed during weekends and holidays, which is the only 39, one of the reasons we have low productivity in New Zealand, "- noted Ib Barnes.

Read also: The causes of laziness at work and what to do.

Do not exaggerate.

A person should not be overworked, that is why the labor law governs the duration of the working day, week, vacation. But in Ukraine, if they relax the calendar, they do it only for economic reasons.

That is to say that, if the weekly working time is reduced, the salary will be lower, according to the comment of Radio NV, senior researcher at the Institute of Demography and Research. social studies, named after the name of Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

. ] According to her, the question also lies in the ability to properly organize their leisure activities. After all, when people use their time abusively, there can only be three weekends.

"People who do not know how to properly organize their work hours can not usually organize themselves and the time does not work, so they do not have time to do anything. in order for a person to maintain his ability to work in a normal way, it is necessary to rest periodically, and if a person is overworked if he works too much hours, it is much harder to regain strength , "Tkachenko said. ]

In Ukraine, the extremely high level of tension

In Ukraine, the problem lies not only in the lack of time to solve personal problems through work, said in a commentary the psychologist Natalia Kuhtina of Radio NF

According to the Ukrainian authorities, there is a syndrome of emotional overwork

According to her, the peculiarity The current psychological state of the Ukrainians is associated with an incredibly high stress level. People are really very tired now, but mostly because of external factors: war, socio-economic and political problems.

"For people living today in Ukraine, there is a characteristic emotional burnout syndrome.People are really very tired of what they do.Even if you shorten a week of work, by example, up to four days and give three days of rest to a person, this will not solve the problem, "said Kukhtina.

Read also: Emotional Exhaustion: Instructions for Self-Recovery. Tips for a psychologist

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