"North Stream 2" kills Ukraine – the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland


The North Stream 2 pipeline linking Russia to Germany threatens the security of Ukraine and confirms the anti-European stance of Berlin

Jacek Chuputovych, head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has stated in an interview with Handelsblatt.

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According to him, the project will significantly affect the profits of the company. Ukraine.

The pipeline destroys the effects of sanctions, Northern Stream 2 kills Ukraine .When the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine will be interrupted, this country will not only lose serious profits but above all a guarantee of protection against a new Russian aggression,
– said the minister.

The diplomat points out that Poland, the United States and the European Commission are here pro-European position. Germany is anti-European, they often think that the European position is identical to the German position, but this is not the case of Nord Stream-2. "

At the same time, the politician believes that the policy of Poland and Germany concerning the The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is largely the same

To a certain extent, we also agree on the EU's response to the Russian aggression in order to send a signal by the sanctions but we want a more decisive action
– Chutupovych said

The construction of the pipeline is doomed to the United States Thus, the US ambassador to Germany, Ri Ard Grenell urged the German government to stop supporting the North Stream 2. The pipeline will allow the Kremlin to receive huge sums which will then be used for aggression and destabilization of the situation.
In addition, on December 19, the US Senate introduced a draft resolution demanding President Donald. Trump to counter the aggression of the Russian Federation at sea and to resist the construction of the North Stream 2 gas pipeline.
Alexey Miller, chairman of Gazprom, said that the construction of "North Stream-2" was in accordance with the plan, so that the gas supply will begin according to plan January 1, 2020.

What is North Stream-2? This is a gas pipeline project connecting Russia to Germany, which wants to cross the Baltic Sea bypassing Ukraine. Germany, Finland and Sweden have issued all permits for the construction and operation of the North Stream 2 pipeline. Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia, the United States and Denmark opposed the construction of the pipeline. The emergence of this pipeline will increase the EU's dependence on Russia's Gazprom, which already supplies about one third of its gas to the EU. After the launch of North Stream 2, Ukraine will lose not only the revenue of blue fuel transit, but also the leverage of geopolitical influence.

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