Northam at war to meet with Cabinet while he seeks allies


On Sunday night, the Democratic governor hastily convened a meeting of his government's top officials to determine whether anyone in his entourage would be willing to support him during the storm of controversy surrounding a racist photo on his page. his 1984 medical yearbook, and no one told the governor to stay and fight, said an informed source of the conversation.

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On Monday morning, his cabinet will meet as part of a regular meeting, and shortly thereafter , a meeting of all the staff is planned. These meetings could provide an important clue as to whether Northam can continue to stay in power or whether he will ultimately make the decision to withdraw.

At this point, there is no sign of rallying around the besieged governor, which will have to be done if he hopes to respect his own standards of staying that he can continue to govern effectively.

Despite calls for Northam's resignation from all parties, Kirk Cox, chairman of the Virginia House of Representatives in the Virginia House of Representatives, told reporters Monday morning that he was not there. had no desire on the part of the General Assembly to forcibly overthrow Northam and that the current situation did not fall under the two constitutional provisions that allow a governor to be forcibly removed.

After initially declaring Friday night that it was in the photo, which shows a person dressed in a blackface and another wearing the hood and the white robes of the KKK, Northam now insists on the fact that he is not one of the two people photographed. He hopes to convince the people for whom he is responsible that the opportunity is given to him to explain what happened and that the photo does not reflect the person that he is.

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The governor had hoped that a press conference would be held on Saturday afternoon. reverses the current in his favor. He tried to argue that he was not the person in the photo, but he admitted to appearing at Blackface at another time of the same year, at a dance competition at San Antonio.

The fallout from the press conference was swift and overwhelming. Many of the important leaders who had already called for his resignation reiterated this call. The few detained at the time called for resignation, including two US senators, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, who had privately encouraged him to resign.

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