Northam says that he does not appear in the photo of the racist yearbook, but acknowledges that his face darkens for another party


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said on Saturday that he was not included in a photo of the 1984 yearbook showing two men dressed in blackface and wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit, though he admits that he was in the picture a day earlier. He admitted, however, to have darkened his face for another occasion the same year, when he had disguised himself as singer Michael Jackson as part of a talent contest.

The governor also continued to say that he would not resign because of the controversy over the photo.

"When I was confronted with the image, I was shocked that it would appear on my page, but then I believed and I now believe that I'm not there. One of the people in this photo, "he said at a press conference of the governor's residence.


He apologized for the photo on his page, calling the photo "offensive" and "racist" but said that he had nothing to do with the preparation of the directory and that he had not bought it.

He acknowledged that he had initially admitted to being in the picture, but stated that "in the hours that followed my statement., I reflect with my family and classmates

Northam stated that although he did not attend the evening when the photo was taken, he had gone to the same year, for which he had said "I darkened my face in the frame from a Michael Jackson costume. "

" I now look back and I regret not having understood the harmful legacy of such an action, "he said. However, he went on to note that he had won this contest, in part because he was able to perform Jackson's iconic dance movement, the Moonwalk.

He also stated that he did not go on did not expect the Virginians to believe it immediately or to do so – forgive him immediately for his actions: "I simply ask for this ability to show that the person I was not there was not the only one. man that I am today. "

The photo was first published by Big League Politics on Friday and immediately caused a firestorm

  Fox News got a copy of the page from the 1984 Yearbook of the Eastern Virginia Medical School Library in Norfolk.

Fox News received a copy of e 1984. page of the directory of Eastern Virginia Medical School Library in Norfolk.

His press conference marked a change of stance on Friday when he issued a statement stating that it was a photo of him, without specifying whether he was going to make a statement. he was the blackface figure or the klan man. He apologized in the statement and in a subsequent video statement, calling the photo "racist and offensive", but also pledging to remain in office despite growing pressure for him to resign.

"Earlier today, a website published a photo of my 1984 medical album in a clearly racist and offensive suit," he said. "I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as in this picture and for the prejudice that this decision has caused between now and now."

He stated in the video that he had spent the last year as governor fighting for a Virginia "that works best for all people" and added, "I pledged to continue this fight until the end of my tenure and to live up to the expectations you set me when you elected me to serve. "

Prevent a stream of Democrats calling on him to withdraw. On Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Northam to "do the right thing" and called the picture "racist and contrary to fundamental American values".

"The situation in which he has put himself as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia is untenable" It is time that Ralph withdraws and the Commonwealth advances, "said former Virginia governor, Terry McAuliffe, calling the photo "racist, unacceptable and inexcusable at any age and at any time."

Sens. Kamala Harris, D-California, Cory Booker, DN.J., and Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y. called for his resignation on Friday night.

These images spark centuries of anger, anguish and racist violence and erode confidence in Governor Northam's ability to lead. We should expect more from our elected officials. to resign, "said Booker.

The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus said in a statement that the photos of the "Yearbook" tore bedsores of an extremely painful story and are a piercing reminder of the sins of this nation .

The caucus was not impressed by the Northam press conference and amplified its calls for him to resign.

"In the light of his public admissions and apologies for his decision to appear in the photo, he irrevocably lost the trust and confidence of the people he was elected to change his public history today. He doubts his ability to regain that confidence, "said Saturday in a statement Saturday afternoon.

The Republicans also rallied to Northam's call for resignation, Virginia GOP President Jack Wilson, declaring his intention to remedy the situation. the damage was not enough.

"This is not enough, it is not acceptable and we clearly can not establish a double standard," he told CNN on Friday . "If he was a Republican governor, his resignation would be swift, furious, and widespread."

"He basically lost the moral ability to lead the Commonwealth and he would have to resign for the good of the Commonwealth," he said. he adds.

Northam Press Conference Comes Two Days After Arousing Indignation with Comments on a Controversial Abortion Bill That, According to a Sponsor, Could Allow Women to Discontinue a pregnancy until the moment of birth.

Northam, former pediatric neurologist, w as asked about these comments and said that the third trimester abortions are done with "the consent of the mother obviously, with the consent of the doctor, several doctors by the way, and this is done in cases where there may be serious malformations or there may be a fetus that is not viable.

"So, in this particular example, if a mother is giving birth, I can tell you exactly what would happen: the child would be born. The baby would stay comfortable. The child would be resuscitated if that was what the mother and family wanted, and then there would be a discussion between the doctor and the mother.


Although the intent of the comments is unclear, conservative commentators and legislators have interpreted these remarks to mean that he was contemplating the possibility of leaving a newborn

Northam Regretted, her office claiming that her comments were limited to actions that physicians could take in the event of "tragic or difficult circumstances" such as a non-viable pregnancy or a "serious fetal pregnancy". He tweeted later: I've dedicated my life to taking care of children and any innuendo is shameful and disgusting. "


Friday, Virginia The Republican Party said the photo was" unforgivable "and referred to the controversy over the # Abortion

"Given his statements about the right to life and the most recent revelations, he lost the moral authority

Kelly Fox News headliners, Alexandria Pamias, Elizabeth Zwirz, Louis Casiano and Alex Pappas contributed to this report.

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