Ns in the shelter. Who will finish HAJP for 70 billion?


In the government decided to complete the Khmelnytsky NPP (KhNPP). The construction of the 3rd and 4th power units has been frozen since the Soviet era. Now, this grand project of resources and costs will be alive again. His estimates now – about 70 billion hryvnia.

The key question is: who will be able to complete the completion of two reactors? It turned out that the technical problem had already been posed with the type of reactor of a particular manufacturer – Skoda JS. Although this company is registered in the Czech Republic, it does have Russian roots – it is controlled by the Russian subsidiary Gazprombank .

In addition, Skoda JS also appeared in the NABU criminal case concerning former MP Mykola Martynenko as a corporation. according to agreements under which, according to the investigation, he transferred public funds from Ukraine to his Panamanian company. Are there alternatives to a contractor as problematic for the completion of the KhNPP project?

The Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant is located in the city of Netishyn in Khmelnytsky – and operates on two nuclear power stations, although the construction of the third and fourth power stations began in the middle Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant in Netichyn "src =" https://gdb.rferl.org/54C82535-1435-4A39-A67A-291C8C1D1146_w250_r0_s.jpg "/>

Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant in Netishyn

KhNPP is a city-manufacturing company, since about all the seventh inhabitants of the city work there. A large part of the population therefore supports the idea of ​​building new power units.

One of the residents that the journalists met in Netishyn, Alexander, said that he hoped that new jobs would be created with the completion of power units in the city. Olga, another resident of the city, would like to do this – however, she is skeptical about this perspective: "These 30 years are exactly the same: each time: then the French will build, then the Czechs, then Russia. And the car is still there, so I do not believe in this proposition. "

  Netishyn Olga resident refers to the prospect of the completion of skeptical KhNPP power units

The resident of Netishyn Olga considers that the possibility of the completion of KhNPP power units is skeptical

Local is not a coincidence

In the summer of 2018, the Cabinet ministers approved the justification for the construction of the third and fourth units of the Khmelnytsky NPP for a total amount of more than 70 billion UAH

  For the construction of the third and fourth Khm energy units lnytskoyi nuclear power plant need more than 70 billion

For the construction of the third and fourth units of the Khmelnitsky NPP need more than 70 billion

is the main unit of reactor components – in other words, complex structures that converts the reaction from nuclear energy to heat. In fact, it is the most profitable element of the plant.

The reactor manufacturer of the Khmelnytsky NPP in the documents previously approved by the government indicated Skoda JS – a Czech company owned by a group controlled by Russian Gazprombank. This bank, which belongs to the Russian energy company Gazprom, is punishable not only in Ukraine, but also in the United States and in the European Union.

But the Russian affiliation of the Czech company Skoda JS is not the only track that extends along the company. 19659007] Thus, in Ukraine, Skoda JS appears in the case of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau on the possible receipt of illicit benefits by a former Popular Front deputy, Mykola Martynenko.

The construction of the third and fourth power stations of the Khmelnytsky NPP started in 1985-86.

How was this possible?

How was this possible?

The construction of the third and fourth power stations of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant began in 1985-86. But because of the Chernobyl explosion, he was arrested – after the introduction of the moratorium on the construction of nuclear power plants

  Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant

Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant

The moratorium was lifted in 1993. But the decision to build these two plants was approved by the Cabinet much later – in the middle of two thousandths. In 2008, a competition was held for the selection of the type of reactor facility of the Khmelnytsky NPP. Then, the Westinghouse American, who then refused to take part in the contest, took part, the South Koreans KEPCO and Russian Atomstroyexport.

The Russians were finally victorious.

  The Russians won the competition for the choice of reactor installation for the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant

. As part of the competition to select the type of reactor facility of the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant, the Russians defeated the deputy general manager

for the construction of the capital of the Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant Oleg Rakhlinsky explains the victory of the Russian entrepreneur in the field of the economy. In their international call for tenders, we have prescribed that the most used construction constructions be used as much as possible, "he said .- Why was it necessary? This will save considerably the cost of this construction, it will be much cheaper than building from scratch, and a lot of equipment was provided, it also needed to be used. "

  Deputy General Manager of Khmelnitsky AE Capital Construction Oleh Rahhlinsky

Deputy Director General of Khmelnitsky AE Capital Construction Oleh Rahhlinsky

But the media director of the Association "Ukrainian Nuclear Forum" Olga Kosharna who has long explored the theme of the construction of power plants, criticized the choice of a Russian partner at the 2008 competition.

"This Soviet project, of course.And it makes sense that they complete the reactors, which are ready for the construction of the third block, about 75%, and part of the imported equipment, "she said.

  Ukrainian Nuclear Forum Media Director Olga Kosharna [19659038] Ukrainian Nuclear Forum Media Director Olga Kosharna </span><br />
<p>  Kosharnaya adds that there was no alternative in as such, because the conditions were then prescribed for the Russians. </p>
<p>  "The fact is that there was actually no full tender call," she said. "There were some criteria for the competition. was not provided for in the Law on Tender Procedures, everything was happening, where it was obvious that all this was written for a Russian company. "</p>
<p>  But even after choosing the type of installation of the reactor, the work has not started. Olga Kosharna believes – because of the actions of the Russian side. </p>
<p>  "Why was all this delayed, because Russia did not fulfill its original promises, in other words, it proposed a state credit for realization and then refused and began to offer commercial services.And that is why the talks were delayed – and now a war has triggered this knot, "said Olga Kosharna. </p>
<p>  The Ukraine has terminated an agreement with a Russian company in 2015, already subject to the terms of the annexation of Crimea and the military aggression of Russia to the […] is. The question then arose: how to complete the electricity production units in Khmelnytsky and which reactor facilities to use? </p>
<p>  At Energoatom, a nuclear power plant operator decided to look for new partners. </p>
<div class=
  At the public energy company Energoatom, which operates a nuclear power plant, decided to seek new partners

In the public company Energoatom, which operates the nuclear power plant, decided to look for new partners

. These changes have already occurred without an open and untendered tender – on the basis of negotiations with potential suppliers. And in the updated feasibility study, it is now reported that the reactors can be installed by the Czech Skoda JS.

Nuclear power plants themselves explain that the main reason for such a decision is the lower cost of the project compared to other producers.

"Two blocks are worth 3 billion, or just over 3 billion dollars," says Oleg Rakhlinsky, deputy general manager of capital construction – And if you take, for example, Korean or Chinese , or Areva, Westinghouse, the minimum price of a block is $ 4 billion.

Will the future entrepreneur be able to invest in the amount previously set?

A billion for Skoda JS [19659048] Energoatom, it is thought that a cheaper project will be able to use Ukrainian components for the construction of power plants.

Yes, the Deputy Director General of Atomproject Engineering, a separate unit of Energoatom, Igor Orlov explains: The cheapest indicator of the global supply The reactor facilities are building constructions.This includes equipment in warehouses or installed in units of production, as well as the use n of Ukrainian manufacturing plants. "

  The construction of new production units is much more expensive than expected

The construction of new production units is much more expensive than expected

But construction Energy units are much more expensive than the expected indicators – the example of environmentalists is the global experience.

"The French company Areva, which has built many reactors, has experience, it started to build a reactor in Finland, and then treated the cost of about 3 billion euros – said the deputy director of the NGO "Ekodiya" Alex Pasyuk – And they were to finish it in 2010. Today, the reactor is not yet completed in 2019 and it already costs about $ 10 billion. "

  Deputy Director of Public Organization

Deputy Director of the Public Organization "Ecody" Alexey Pasyuk

But about The Czech Skoda JS Oleksiy Pasyuk has some reservations: "She built reactors in the Soviet times.C & # 39; that is, they are now specializing in project management, research, and technically they could build a nuclear power plant because they have sufficient capacity in the Czech Republic, but they do not have it. long ago. "

Skoda JS is a Czech company that has been working in the field of nuclear energy for decades. However, its owner was OMZ B.V., registered in the Netherlands. She is a member of the Joint Manufactured Plants Holdings, which is subject to Gazprombank. Most of its shares are owned by Gazprom and its related entities. Sanctions were imposed against Gazprombank in Ukraine, but Skoda JS, belonging to the same group of companies, is not on the list of Ukrainian sanctions. Skoda JS is a Czech company that has been operating in the field of nuclear energy for decades and has Russian roots. "src =" https://gdb.rferl.org/5BBF46CA-55D0-4D95-93A3-592E4B677D0D_w250_r0_s.jpg "/>

Skoda JS is a Czech company that has been operating in the field of nuclear energy for decades. has Russian roots

A Czech diplomat Vaclav Bartushka who since 2006 is a special envoy for energy security in the Czech Republic, explains why it is difficult for companies to raise funds for the production of reactors .

"I think the best of it affects the production process," he says. – Because, if you are subject to US sanctions via the ultimate owner of OMZ, Gazprombank, your borrowing capacity for operational needs is affected. Therefore, this undoubtedly has an impact on society.

  Czech diplomat Vaclav Bartushka has been ambassador for Czech energy security since 2006

The Czech diplomat Vaclav Bartushka is the Czech Republic's ambassador in the energy security sector since 2006 [19659010] But there is another ambiguous story in which a possible supplier of reactor units for the nuclear power plant Khmelnitsky is mentioned.

Corrupt loop

Company Skoda JS that the Ukrainian government had previously chosen as a potential supplier of reactor production units for power plants. The Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant appears in the case concerning the possible acquisition of funds by the national company Energoatom by a former deputy Nikolai Martynenko and close relatives.

  Former MP Mykola Martynenko (l) and his lawyer (p) at the hearing

Former MP Mykola Martynenko (l) and his lawyer (n) at the hearing

According to investigators from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, it had previously been agreed that Skoda JS would expose Energoatom to other offers. price up to 20%. After the victory in the bidding, Skoda JS should have been sent to the accounts of a Panamanian company supposed to play the role of mediator for the documents.

For this purpose, according to the survey, Panama Bradcrest Investments was used. The office of the law firm serving it was at the Panama Business Center.

  Panama Office of the Law Firm in the Service of the Beneficiary Bradcrest of Martynenko

Office of the Panama Law Firm Serving the Beneficiaries of Bradcrest Investments is Martynenko

According to documents submitted to two Swiss banks for the opening of accounts, the beneficial owner of Bradcrest Investments has been appointed by Nikolay Martynenko – at that time, the deputy and chairman of the parliamentary commission

  Martynenko specified in the documents by the beneficial owner of Bradcrest Investments

Martynenko stated in the documents by the beneficiary beneficiary of Bradcrest Investments

Overall, during the period 2007-2012, Bradcrest Investments, according to NABU, received from the Skoda JS nearly 6, 5 million euros . At the same time, funds from the accounts of this company were used to pay renting apartments for people close to Martynenko in London and Vienna.

Meanwhile, Martynenko himself refutes his involvement in Bradcrest Investments even before receiving funds. Skoda JS

The Skoda JS investigation is conducted in the Czech Republic itself – the Czech press is talking about the scandal and local prosecutors want to hear the impressions of a former Ukrainian deputy.

But among the suspects of a serious economic crime – as it is defined the Czech prosecutor's office has – the name of Martynenko himself does not appear, but only those who are currently or former employees of Skoda JS are mentioned.

The Supreme Prosecutor of the State of Prague Lenka Bradachev notes that at that time several people are currently under investigation, but theirs does not can not name the names.

  Lenka Bradachev, the highest prosecutor of Polka

Prague's highest prosecutor, Lenka Bradachev

"Our Code of Criminal Procedure forbids us to name specific names, both personal and legal," she says. . – Therefore, I can only note that in the Czech Republic criminal proceedings have been instituted against 6 persons who were former representatives. Specifically, representatives of JSC Skoda were opened. Criminal proceedings are brought against them in both crimes. "

According to Bradacheva, there are kidnappings and tax evasion:" These two crimes are related to actions that have been reimbursed financially for counseling services. And these consultancy services themselves were related to the territory of Ukraine on which they had been executed. "

" Schemes "also asked Skoda JS for a comment: they asked about the cost of reactor installations in which they plan to build and not influence, sanctions and corruption cases in which the company appears in Ukraine, in cooperation with Energoatom.

But the company has decided not to answer these questions yet. "Skoda JS press officer Yan Stolar said:" C & Is the official position of the company. We will not comment on this step. "

"Schemes" asked Skoda JS for a comment, but they decided not to comment yet.

The power plant production of the Khmelnytsky NPP is a matter of at least seven years and tens of billions of hryvnia. But the project may continue to be deferred, and one of the reasons is the lack of funding.

And the money is?

One of the possible options to solve the problem of financing is to obtain a loan in the European Union in exchange for the export of electricity from Khmelnytsky 2nd power unit.

  One of the possible options is to obtain a loan in the European Union in exchange for electricity exports from KhNPP Unit 2

One of the possible options is to obtain a loan in the European Union in return for the export of electricity from Unit 2 of the KhNPP [19659010] More about this program Olga Kosharna, Director of Media the association "Ukrainian Nuclear Forum", said: "It is clear that Ukraine does not have this money in the conditions of the war.And there is such a project – the Ukrainian-EU energy city , which aims to obtain loans on the European financial markets, guarantees under the long – term contract for the export of electricity in Europe.It is not only Poland.Poland could be a transit country to attract these financial resources. "

Another option would be to obtain a loan in China, but subject to the participation of Chinese contractors in the project.

Energoatom is really considering cooperation with China – in particular, with China's National Nuclear Corporation. And it is not excluded that Chinese technology is used in the construction of the fourth block.

Ihor Orlov of Energoatom indicates that a feasibility study has already been developed jointly with the Chinese company CNNC and the Khmelnitsky NPP: "Let's say that the Chinese side does not stay still. дуже активно задіяні в специфіку доставки великовантажного обладнання на Хмельницьку станцію. "

" Схеми "окремо звернулись із запитом до китайської корпорації щодо їхніх намірів співпраці з українською стороною, але протягом кількох тижнів відповіді так і не отримали.

Втім, у самому «Енергоатомі» не виключають, що установку для третього енергоблоку Хмельницької АЕС поставлятиме не Skoda JS, а інший виробник – якщо він викупить у Skoda JS документацію на реакторну установку А постачальника, зрештою, обіцяють обрати публічно, на тендері

Гендиректор "Атомпроектінжинірингу." -. відокремленого підрозділу "Енергоатома" – Юрій Шейко вважає, що такий варіант може бути цікавим для іноземних підрядників.

 Гендиректор "Атомпроектінжинірингу" Юрій Шейко (п) та його заступник Ігор Орлов (л)

Гендиректор "Атомпроектінжинірингу" Юрій Шейко (п) та його заступник Ігор Орлов (л)

«Westinghouse там, наприклад, KEPCO, Mitsu Bishi, ще хтось там … Ці компанії, які ніяких зв'язків із РФ не мають, можуть придбати весь па кет документації у Skoda JS, повністю по реакторній установці, це я так думаю. А далі, якщо вони придбають і у них буде бажання будувати і працювати разом з нами, вони придбають ці документи і можуть зробити корпус реактора, обладнання "-. Зазначає він

Але чи дійсно інші компанії зацікавлені в такому проекті [19659033?] Із такими запитаннями ми звернулися до американської компанії Westinghouse та Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. У Westinghouse повідомили, що від коментарів поки утримаються. А від Mitsubishi відповідь так і не надійшла.

Тож наразі виглядає так, що перевагу в постачанні реакторних установок має чеська компанія, яка, ймовірно, причетна до українського корупційного скандалу із колишнім депутатом від "Народного фронту" Миколою Мартиненком.

Та головне – ця компанія володить до сфери впливу російського підсанкційного холдингу. Чи не йде це у розріз тому, що декларує українська влада? А саме відмову співпраці із росіянами. Особливо, коли йдеться про ядерну безпеку України.

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