Ocasio-Cortez defends the dismissal comments of Rashida Tlaib Trump


"Republican hypocrisy at its best: Affirming that Trump admits his sexual assault on tape is simply a" locker talk ", but outraged at becoming a false-outrage when my sister says a cursed word in a bar, "wrote Ocasio-Cortez Saturday on Twitter, referring to Trump's obscene comments on a" Access Hollywood " tape of 2005 that surfaced during the 2016 campaign." GOP has lost the right to to control the behavior of women a long time ago. "

"I gave you back," she added in a tweet to Tlaib, "The Bronx and Detroit Ride Together."

At a progressive event A few hours after his swearing in on Thursday, Tlaib said of Trump: "We will go and we will remove the mother's commission."
After some members of his party, including Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, disapproved of her language, Tlaib did not apologize or withdrew from her remarks.
 Pelosi Responds to Tlaib & Removal Comment:

"I know if I had been a man, it might have been different," she said Friday in an interview with CNN's affiliate, WDIV, in Detroit. "I know that for me, I've always been like that, I mean, I do not think anyone expects me to be anything but me, the southwestern Detroit girl with a little madness and attitude. "

"I think you know that President Trump has met his opponent."

At a press conference on Friday, Trump called Tlaib's remarks "shameful" and said she "disgraced his family."

At an event organized by a town hall. Pelosi, of MSNBC, said that she "would not use" Tlaib's language, but added, "I do not think it's worse than anything – what the president said . "

"I do not like that language, I would not use that language, I do not set any language standards for my colleagues," she told Trinity Washington University.

During her campaign, Tlaib made it clear that if she was elected, she would plead for Trump's Impeachment.

Ocasio-Cortez told CNN on Friday that the dismissal was "a passionate issue," referring to Tlaib. [19659008] "I think this is a valid question and that many voters are interested in the prospect of elections," Ocasio-Coretz said. "It's a legitimate discussion to have."

Manu Raju, Elizabeth Landers and Jeremy Herb of CNN contributed to this report.

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