Ocasio-Cortez redefines "AOC", his rise is better understood through the lyrics of Eagles


"They'll never forget you as long as someone else will not arrive." – The Eagles, a new kid in the city

"AOC" meant something else in the corridors of Congress for decades

For the uninitiated, "AOC" means "Architect of the Capitol." There were only 11 Capitol architects in the history of the republic.The president appoints a candidate. The position is now vacant, with former Capitol architect Stephen Ayers having retired last year.


But "AOC" means something else in the congressional lexicon Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., a freshman from the Bronx, is an ubiquitous acronym. [19659003] "The AOC" shocked the political world last June, beating the former Rep. Joe Crowley, DN.Y., at the primary. have come to see the surprise. The political disabled thought that Crowley had a good chance of assuming the duties of democratic leader of the House or even Speaker of the House. Now, Crowley is gone. Far more people know Ocasio-Cortez than Crowley, despite his two decades in Congress.

Congress is a difficult business.

The first day of his entry into the House, Ocasio-Cortez joined Protesters hold a sit-in at the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Then, Ocasio-Cortez conducted seminars offering Democrats advice on how to improve their interactions with social media. Ocasio-Cortez is now one of the most well-known figures in American politics, alongside President Trump, President Pelosi, and Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

. Ocasio-Cortez claims Medicare for all. It issues warnings about the environment. Along with representatives Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., And Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., The New York Democrat wrote a letter to his colleagues asking the current committee of the conference on border security to reduce the expenses incurred. the Department of Homeland Security.

Some describe the ideas of the radical Ocasio-Cortez. Extreme. Socialist. Revolutionary. AOC has an innate ability to convulse the political system. To thrill the traditionalists on both sides of the aisle. To scare even.

Are the ideas radical? It's in the eye of the spectator. But the history of America is based on the radicals. Those who have hesitated to the crown. How radical was the idea of ​​transferring the power of a monarch to a legislative power? Alexander Hamilton's radical idea of ​​a nationalized financial system, linking states and debts to each other? Radical actions of Lincoln, FDR, and Martin Luther King, Jr.?[19659003hn:Ilesttroptôtpourévaluerlacapacitédemaintiend'Ocasio-CortezetsavoirsisesidéesmodifierontfondamentalementlesystèmeMaispourlemomentOcasio-Cortezestl'unedesplusgrandeschosesenpolitiqueEst-elleunchangeurdejeu?DemandeznousdansquelquesannéesLacôtepolitiqueaméricaineesttapisséedejetsamd'éclatsdepaniquedemerveillesuniquesetd'éclatementspolitiquesdiversMaispardéfinitionlesperturbateursquisuscitentleplusdechangementsenAmériquesontgénéralementconsidéréscommeradicauxetdangereuxCen'estpasjusteMaisc'estparcequelesystèmeestconçupourrésisterauchangementParconséquentlechangementsemblesiradical

Voici what we know : Ocasio-Cortez may be at the forefront of technology. But she will not always be. As the Eagles sing, "they will never forget until someone arrives again". This word is guaranteed certainty in politics. The attacks on Ocasio-Cortez are not new. Effective political leaders, who number resonant weak points or break the noise, are almost always targeted – often ad hominem.

Pelosi knows it as well as anyone else. Some thought that Pelosi might be absent last fall, arguing that the time had run out. Similarly, Republicans revealed that Pelosi was too liberal for Democrats. Last week, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Said Pelosi "was not in tune with his party."

Music critics criticize AC / DC as a group having recorded the same album "17 times". AC / DC does not dispute this accusation. In fact, the guitarist Angus Young adopts it. AC / DC will tell you that they have a real formula that works and sells records. So why change?

Republicans have long Pelosi pillory. It is an effort to demolish it as the face of House Democrats – taking care to link more moderate Democrats to a Liberal from San Francisco. Like AC / DC, the Republicans cut the same album 17 times over Pelosi. Too liberal. Past Obamacare. Cape and trade. Used his special "plane" to go around the country. But Republicans maintain the Pelosi strategy because it works. They do not need to find a new sound for the next album. The Republicans naturally want Pelosi again because she is the Speaker of the House and the GOP is mired in the minority. So, they will release everything they have against Pelosi.

Pelosi rose to the challenge after years of attacks. That's why the knives are still out for her.

This also explains why the knives came out for Ocasio-Cortez. She is different. She has a lot of supporters now. It is natural for her opponents – both Republican and Democratic – to join her. This is one of the ways in which political opponents assail political figures and introduce a "new kid in town". If someone approaches too close to the fire, there are many people ready to drive them into hell.

The same phenomenon is true. right now in the Democratic presidential draw 2020. Many new kids in town: Sens. Cory Booker, DN.J., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y., and Representative Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii. And it is only those in Capitol Hill who are running or reading an offer in an almost official way. The Democratic primary will be brutal.

We did not even talk about problems within the Democratic Party and a potential bias in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Look how "the institution Came after President Trump in 2015 and 2016. Few gave Trump a chance. Then the president preceded the more established GOP politicians such as Sens. Lindsey Graham, RS.C., Marco Rubio, R-Fl., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rand Paul, R-Ken., Former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush and the former Governor of the United States. Ohio, John Kasich. The president was the "new kid par excellence" of the city.

The "AOC" is new on Capitol Hill. There are rumors about the main challengers and long-term plans. Ocasio-Cortez is not the first person in Congress or presidential politics to find himself in this position. It is simply one of the most recent.

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