Officially The Ukrainian national team will play two games of UEFA EURO 2020 in Lviv


Ukrainians will meet the national teams of Serbia and Luxembourg

  photo: Reuters

photo: Reuters

Two matches of the UEFA Euro 2020 qualifier against Serbia and Luxembourg will take place in Arena Lviv . The relevant decision was taken at a meeting of the executive committee of the Football Federation of Ukraine

of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the LOAA, the Football Federation of the 39, Lviv oblast and the National Arena "Arena Lviv". residential area with lakes

The qualifying matches of the 2020 European Championship between the national teams of Ukraine and Serbia, Ukraine and Luxembourg will take place on 7 and 10 June , respectively. The two matches will start at 9:45 pm Kiev time

It should be added that the previous match between Ukraine and Serbia provided to go from Lviv to to replace the stadium lawn

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