On the Moon, they found a stone of terrestrial origin – Canal 5


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An international group of Swedish, Australian and American scientists discovered a stone of terrestrial origin during the analysis of one of the lunar soil samples that delivered the Apollo-14 mission to Earth. Science Alert

The found stone is a piece of quartz, feldspar and zircon weighing 2 grams.

It should be noted that such minerals are rarely found on the moon, but are distributed on Earth. A chemical analysis showed that the rock was formed in an oxidized system at a temperature similar to that of the Earth, but not at the temperature of the moon.

Scientists suggest that stone could fly off the ground about 4 billion years ago when an asteroid or comet crushed against our young planet and space flew in splinters. As the Moon was much closer to Earth at that time, about three times closer than today, some of this waste could have appeared there.

"This is an unusual discovery that allows us to trace the best image of the Earth at the beginning and the bombings that made our planet the dawn of its life", – said global scientist David Kring of Lunar and Planetary Institute.

According to him, the stone was formed on the surface of the planet at a depth of about 20 km, where it remained until a strong influence did it. do not throw in the space.

During a flight to the city Sands and subsequent clashes, the stone was partially destroyed, about 3.9 billion years ago. Then it was returned to the surface about 26 million years ago, during a shock that led to the emergence of Cone Crater. The stone remained on the surface until it was taken to earth by the astronauts.

As 5.UA reports, the cosmic collision after which the Moon separated from the Earth left on our planet the important chemical elements for the emergence of life.

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