On the Oscars-2019 named a movie about the murder of a 2-year-old boy: reaction of relatives of the deceased


The award ceremony of the 2019 Oscars becomes more and more outrageous. The British publicly appealed to the show's organizers, demanding to remove a film from the list that tells about the murder of his son.

Scandalous statement published by Denis Fergus, a Liverpool resident. Looking at a list of nominees for the prestigious Award of the Oscars-2019, she saw the outrageous film by Irish director Vincent Lemba, who recounts the murder of his son.

To read also: Oscar-2019: list of the nominees for a prestigious prize

Vincent Lembe's film, Detention. She can get a darling statuette as "Best Short Film". The plot reproduces the chronology of the murder of James Balger, two years old, and two 10-year-old criminals, in 1993. The mother of a slain child, Denis Fergus, is appalled by the fact that this film can be rewarded and ensures that his consent to the directors did not receive the film.

I can not tell you what disgust and sadness I feel because of the fact that this so-called "film" is nominated for an Oscars. One thing is to take a movie without consulting James 'family and not asking for permission, and another – to remember the last hours of James' life before the brutal murder, to force myself and my family, to survive again to murder,
– said Denis Fergus in a public statement.

In addition, tens of thousands of people signed a special petition expressing their disagreement with the nomination of the film "Detention" at the Oscars-2019. However, it has not been taken into account for unknown reasons. Meanwhile, the director himself, Vincent Lemb, does not share this view of the public.

"I do not expect the James family to appreciate the film that represents these humans, but I hope they will understand why the band was created." It was certainly not a goal to hurt them, "said Vincent Lamb Air Force Comments

Watch the movie trailer" Detention "(video):

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