On two planets, the climate can be the same as on Earth – scientists


The researchers conducted a mathematical modeling and found that the tilt of the axis of two planets, similar to Earth, is similar to our climate. These planets are called Kepler-186f and Kepler-62f

"Popular Mechanics" reports.

Scientists assume that the climate on these planets must be mild and stable, as on Earth.

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The two planets were discovered in 2014. At the same time, one of them, Kepler-186 f, was the first terrestrial planet, located not far and not near its light to allow the existence of liquid surface on its surface.

As shown in mathematical modeling, the axis slope of the exoplanet is quite stable and small. Thus, Kepler-186 f alters the slope of the axis in a narrow range and slowly, so during the year, everyone changes in the same way as on Earth. A similar situation on the exoplanet Kepler-62f. It is a little larger than Kepler-186 and the Earth, but not big enough to be a gaseous giant, and the climate is also relatively stable.

What is an exoplanet? Dawn or drifting in space. The first exoplanet was discovered in 1988. To date, 3,500 installations of this type are known. At this, only a small fraction of them is able to sustain life.

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