One-third of Americans say that blackface is acceptable for Halloween costumes


The port of Blackface is still acceptable for Halloween, according to 15% of respondents, while 19% say that it is sometimes acceptable.

The investigation was conducted primarily prior to recent controversies over Blackface's policy in Virginia, where the governor and attorney general both admitted to having darkened their skin as part of their costumes. And there is a long line of politicians and celebrities who have been criticized for wearing black-faced faces.

This question has sparked a debate since it was discovered that the directory of the faculty of Medicine of the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, was presenting the picture of a man with a black face facing a person in a KKK outfit. Northam also admitted to bringing Blackface to a party. In addition, state Attorney General Mark Herring, also a Democrat, admitted to having worn the blackface to a party in college.

According to Pew, just over a slight majority (53%) of American adults think it's unacceptable for a white person to use Blackface in a suit.

Blackface goes back to minstrel performances

The origins of blackface date back to the minstrel shows of the mid-nineteenth century. White artists darkened their skin with varnish and cork, donned ragged clothes and exaggerated their features to appear stereotypically "black". , according to the Smithsonian's National Museum of African-American History and Culture (NMAAHC).

The performances were meant to be fun for the white audience. But for blacks, they were humiliating and hurtful.

Political, Racial Differences

In the Pew Survey, Republicans (and Independents with a Republican tendency) were much more likely to view blackface as acceptable by Democrats. A quarter of the Republicans said it was still acceptable and half of the Republicans said it was always or sometimes okay. Only 21% of Democratic Democrats and Independents said that it was always or sometimes correct.

The survey results also revealed a racial divide. Of whites, 39% thought that Blackface was always or sometimes acceptable in a Halloween costume, compared to only 18% of blacks and 28% of Latinos. More than half of black Americans (53%) said that being part of the Halloween costume was never acceptable.

acceptable. Twenty-six percent of these young white Americans said that it was always or sometimes correct, compared to 39% of whites aged 30 to 49 and 45% of 50 to 64 year olds.

Significantly, more Americans find it acceptable to dress like a person wearing traditional clothes from a country or culture other than their own, in part of their Halloween costume, an act sometimes called "cultural appropriation". Nearly 3 in 5 Americans said it was still (26%) or sometimes (32%) acceptable.

Virginia in turmoil

Northam has resisted calls for resignation since the photos of a man with a black face and a man at Ku Klux Klan outfit is out of his phone book 1984 from the Faculty of Medicine. The governor denied being one or the other of the characters in the photo, but then admitted darken his face to look like Michael Jackson at a dance competition in 1984.

In an interview with Gayle King, of CBS, Northam said that "the reality really was installed"

Herring acknowledged that he had appeared at Blackface on a party in 1980, where he had disguised himself as a rapper.

"This conduct clearly shows that, as a young man, I had an insensitive and inexcusable lack of awareness and an insensitivity to pain that my behavior could inflict on others," Herring said in a statement. "It was really a minimization of the two people of color and a horrible story that I knew well, even at that time."

The Pew survey, conducted from January 22 to February 5, includes an over-sample of black and Hispanic respondents to provide more. reliable estimates of these segments of the population. Global data is weighted to provide a balanced representation of the US population as a whole.

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