One year after the launch of Falcon Heavy: What more does Ilon Mask have the intention to surprise mankind


On February 6, 2018, exactly one year ago, engineer Ilon Mask launched the heavy heavy rocket heavy Falcon Heavy into space.

C & # 39; was a breakthrough in the space industry. SpaceX has developed a way to reduce the launch costs of several large-scale missiles. And this increases the chances of humanity developing space and studying it without the temporary guest status in orbit.

The man today has two main means. First – we stay on Earth forever and will inevitably die. The second – we master space and become a multi-planetary civilization,
– said the inventor, the founder of SpaceX, Ilon Mask

The successful launch of Falcon Heavy is a first step in this direction. According to Mask, sending people to Mars requires an extremely powerful starship. Falcon Rocket Space Flight Mask "src =" "style =" width: 620px; height: 379px; "/>
Launch of Falcon Heavy – Breakthrough in Space

The company plans to build the big Falcon rocket by the end of 2019 year It is she who must send the first tourists to the moon in 2023, including the Japanese billionaire Yusaki Maedzava.

I've been thinking long and hard about the value of the first passenger trip on the moon. And I chose a trip on the Moon with Artists,
– said a Japanese billionaire who will fly to the moon, Yusaki Maedzava.

The inventor Ilon Mask pointed out that the Japanese billionaire ends up paying for the Future, a major contribution to space exploration.

In addition, according to the plan, Big Falcon Rocket should become an interplanetary transportation system that will allow you to access any of the following point of the solar system.To do this, it is still necessary to set up a fuel production on the entire road.

 Space technology of the Ilon mask Large rocket Falcon SpaceX
Large rocket Falcon on which SpaceX works

By estimate, Distance from New York to Shanghai, or 12 000 kilometers, the missile will be able to defeat in just half an hour. The ticket will cost less than a flight on an airliner.

Watch a video on the elusive development of SpaceX:

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