Osadcha looks at the figure and does not drink coffee with milk – Katya Osadcha


  Katya Osadcha (photo: instagram.com/kosadcha)
Katia Osadcha (photo: instagram.com/kosadcha)

All admirers of Osadchaya do not follow his "coffee rule"

] World TV presenter Katia Osadcha continues to pamper their Instagram subscribers with a photo-story of the summer holidays. On the rest, the chief went with her husband Yuri Gorbunov and his grandson Ivan. Osadcha and Gorbunov are not yet recognized in this case, where the family of stars is gaining ground.

Osadcha recently shared another vital rule. It has turned out that the immutable master program "World Life" is trying to restrict the use of coffee, especially with milk. However, during the holidays, Osadcha decided to be pampered.

"I try not to drink a lot of coffee, preferably a cup and no milk, but on leave I went to drink everything." – signed a brilliant shot of Katya Osadcha [19659005]  Katya Osadcha "height =" 650 "src =" http://styler.rbc.ua/ "width =" 520 "data-src =" / static / ckef / During the holidays, Osadcha decided to pamper himself with cold coffee (photo: instagram.com/kosadcha) </em> [196659005]  It is interesting to note that the message of Osadchy literally divided his signatories into two camps. Some of the television presenters were in agreement and indicated that they were also trying to exclude coffee from their daily diet. Others see no danger in this drink and appreciate the coffee if desired. </p>
<p>  "This is not bad, it's bad and bad", categorically wrote kanukete </p>
<p>  "A cup and only the morning after breakfast, with dark chocolate" notes tantschik777 [19659005] "I'm also worried about the question of the avi: does it really hurt and why I drink only one cup a day, the body does not want anymore, and prefers coffee in the morning" , stresses karier_now. I can only drink the other day if I feel bad, notes Olga33201336 Attack in the morning, it was very difficult to jump in the spring, then we feel that coffee is a drug that drags.) I have stopped drinking every day, now I drink when I really want it, or rain, do not fall asleep. – 19659005] "I try to hold me coffee, without much better feel the hair and skin", – observes nemoloko.orekhovoe. </p>
<p>  "The maximum – three cups, but low, and no sugar, no milk, and the cup should be great! I like coffee, but the custard, always sweet – waffles, candies, cookies. And the day was successful! "- admits miss_lana2016. </p>
<p> "I drink as much as I want.I can not drink at all, but I can a lot.With milk and no sugar," writes aleksandrovna.dasha. "</p>
<p> " I love it " America with milk. I can be three in a day and usually without coffee and I can not live. A habit, writes ekaterina_igoreevna </p>
<p>  It is interesting to note that before that, Kate Osadcha was talking about her "taboo" for the rest, one of the rules of the presenter is not to gain weight </p>
<p style=  Katya Osadcha during the summer holidays. "650" src = "http://styler.rbc.ua/" width = "520" data-src = "/ static / ckef / img / kosadcha_37334766_396049494254026_8542430093337690112_n.jpg" class = "lazy

  Katya Osadcha at rest "height =" 650 "src =" http://styler.rbc.ua/ "width =" 520 "data-src =" / static / ckef / img / kosadcha_37307014_266335290839712_1668656680679768064_n_2.jpg "class =" lazy people

  Katya Osadcha "height =" 650 "src =" http://styler.rbc.ua/ "width =" 520 "data-src =" / static / ckef / img / kosadcha_37138458_258937538243310_4192504674990948352_n_2.jpg "class =" lazy

Katya Osadcha under the summer holidays (photo: instagram.com/kosadcha) [196659005] Note that Osadcha had previously shared the very important achievement of his younger son, Ivan, who had 1 year and 5 months in July.At the same time, according to the presenter, this son of action might be unconscious, but she, as a mother, is always agreeable The seduction showed that for the sake of his son he could become a unicorn.

Star couple of Osadcha-Gorbunov

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