Patriarch Cyril could not come to terms with Tomos, the Russian Orthodox Church, the news of Russia


Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, described the legitimate Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which had received Tomos, as "the unification of schismatics".

False comments and criticisms were made to Vladimir Gundyayev in a Christmas interview at the Russian Channel 1 TV channel.

"According to the puppets and the president of Ukraine, this cathedral was supposed to unite all human beings and create a united Orthodox Church for all of Ukraine.And what happened there? It turned out that only two secessionist groups were united " said the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch K. Rileau also described the creation of a new structure of unprecedented interference in the religious affairs of the government.



Radio Svoboda

According to OBOZREVATEL, the scandalous archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin on Facebook sent an article in "Compromise with members of EuroMaydan, marry peacekeepers cunning and try to "fly over the fight."

Read all the "News of Russia" about OBOZREVATEL.

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