Pavlo Grib wrote a letter to Russian journalists


Pavlo Grib wrote a letter to reporters. Photo taken by Espresso TV

A Ukrainian political prisoner Pavlo Grib detained in a prison in Rostov-on-Don, said that he needed immediate treatment, because without drugs, he would not survive in prison.

In a letter to the journalists of the Russian edition of Novaya Gazeta wrote:

My day is sad and monotonous. Sleep until 7:30. They have a porridge or a sandwich – what they give. Relations with my neighbors are good. If I get fired, I'll help them. I do not have the native word especially in SIZO. I read books from the local library. I am given books in Ukrainian

We must suffer a little. It's "a little" for me every day seems to be eternity. It will be difficult to describe this eternity on paper because there are not enough words. Waking up without knowing if I slept? And I know today's day will be no different from yesterday.

I do not think we should bargain and complain, even if I can do it elsewhere, if not here. It must overcome what has happened. You do not have to rejoice in your hopes, but do not give up. It is unlikely that everything will end soon. I see such a perspective: either death or prison, where I must remain the next years of my life. That's the case if I do not die before I go there. Terrorists are sent there and not all are brought back alive. I do not survive without drugs. And there is no other prospect.

I understand that I am not guilty, but I am like a trapped beast. I blame myself: I knew where and to whom I was going and I thought I would not come back. But not listening to any reservations.

The idea is: do not suffer in vain. I could not predict it completely. That's the trap that I've trapped as a beast. Why am I going into a trap knowing that certain circumstances and promises make it incredible? Then I became convinced that I suspected. At the price of his will and his life. The biggest disappointment is that my fears have come true. I really escaped and betrayed by a weak will. It was unlikely that I would be judged by such a spontaneous and incomprehensible decision for me to be here. And do not let God stay here forever and die.

I hardly speak of the house. Everything is gone. House, computer games, food, family, friends, all this remained far in the memory. There is something indigenous but incredibly distant because around me it is a stranger.

There is something to read in prison. A native language book about Russia – Svyatoslav Semen Sklyarenko. Time passes very quickly and the words that I have not had time to tell my loved ones remain inaccurate.

Physical education, it is bad. Something must be done to survive, but not the forces. I can not force myself to walk in the morning in a concrete "well" to do something. There are thousands of reasons for reluctance.

Read: The European Union calls for the immediate release of political prisoners Mushroom and Bekirov

Previously authorized by the Verkhovna Rada to defend human rights Lyudmila Denisova stated that Pavlo Mushroom was on the verge of life and death. A man suffers from portal hypertension. This is a high pressure syndrome that can cause internal bleeding. He needs a daily intake of special drugs.

The Ukrainian man disappeared in August 2017 in favor of the Belarusian Gomel. Later, he was found in a SIZO in Krasnodar, Russia. According to the allegations, the mushroom allegedly inclined a Russian schoolgirl to Tetyana Yershova of Sochi for the manufacture and shooting of explosives at school. However, Paul himself stated that he did not recognize the allegations and had characterized the case as fact-making.

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