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The Washington Post · Mike DeBonis

WASHINGTON – The first confrontation between Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump began by publicly questioning his political viability. The event ended when the speaker won a flawless victory and rekindled her reputation as a legislator.

Trump's surrender – agreeing to reopen the federal government after a 35-day confrontation without funding for a US-Mexican border wall – sparked rave reviews for Pelosi from his Democratic colleagues and for the disrespectful Republicans who have ensured that she maintains an undisciplined caucus within the party against GOP tactics dividing to better defeat.

Pelosi, D-Calif., Comes out of the party's closure as a strong leader of his party – and more popular with the public, by early action – as Democrats observe aggressive efforts to counter the program. Trump through ambitious legislation and strict control. This suggests that the closure could have been a strategic misstep for Trump, in addition to a tactical mistake.

"He is used to hand-to-hand combat," said former Senator Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., A long-time friend of Pelosi. and partner in politics. "With Nancy, it's a melee fight with a velvet glove, and he's not used to it."

Even before the start of the closure, the clashes occurred between Trump, 72 – the political underdog, a New Yorker to favor and get used to fighting his way – and Pelosi , 78 – to the often caricatured liberal of San Francisco who was actually immersed in the street politics of his Baltimore youth and his years of hardball on Capitol Hill.

Oval Office on December 11th. Trump hinted that the fact that she was not officially elected forced her: "Nancy is in a situation where it is not easy for her to speak for the moment."

Pelosi replied: "Mr. . Mr. President, do not characterize the strength I bring to this meeting. "

In retrospect, this remark was more of a warning than a reply. Over the last seven weeks, according to interviews with dozens of congressional legislators and assistants from both parties, Trump and White House officials have apparently misinterpreted Pelosi's support for Democrats and his determination to stand firm against the financing of borders.

On Thursday, Republicans said that they thought they could break the Democrats by describing Pelosi as uncompromising and reluctant to negotiate on the wall. "I think it's time for the Democratic Party to intervene with the president," rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo, president of the Republican Conference, told reporters.

Indeed, not all democrats share Pelosi's point of view. It's an "immorality", but it kept agitated Democrats focused on a simple message: there would be no bargaining on the wall as long as the government would remain closed.

"We can not set a precedent for holding federal employees hostage. , retaining anyone as hostage and using them as a bargaining tool for a political discussion, "said Jason Crow's representative, D-Colo., one of many freshmen who beat a suburban Republican running on a moderate platform. "People have different views on how to do it [border security] and there are legitimate policy differences out there, but let's talk about it once we get our federal employees back to work." [19659003] to fight for his wall, claiming that the reopening of the government "was by no means a concession."

"He cared for millions of people who were severely affected by the closure, given that in 21 days, if no agreement was reached it's done, it's gone for shopping! ", did he declare.

But there seems to be little appetite on Capitol Hill for a resumption of closure. Trump's Plan B – declare a national emergency and exploit military construction accounts to finance the wall – has puzzled many Republicans and prompted Democrats to prepare for a dispute that may not be resolved before the end of Trump's term .

match, "said Vice President Ben Ray Luján, DN.M. "The speaker always presents herself in public and in private with the greatest respect. But she is firm and strong, and she understands how to use that power.

Throughout the conflict, Pelosi followed his own advice: Do not get mixed up with Trump – or, as she told it colorful last month. , Do not engage in a "tinkle contest with a skunk". The episode was also influenced by his respect for the presidency, if not for the president himself, said aides.

In a central episode of the arrest order, Pelosi effectively prevented Trump from delivering the State of the Union address that they mutually told each other. scheduled for January 29th. But Pelosi's initial message to Trump did not cancel the invitation right away – she rather suggested "that we work together to determine another appropriate date after the government". has reopened for this address or for you to consider giving your speech on the state of the Union in writing. "

His decision puzzled observers at Capitol Hill and the White House, including the number 2 Democratic Party member in the House. The majority leader, Steny Hoyer, of Maryland, said in a television interview that soon after the announcement of the cancellation of the speech, what Pelosi had carefully avoided.

Several Pelosi allies said the nuance in his letter to Trump was a sign. respect, no weakness.

"There was no way he could get into this room if the government was overthrown," Boxer said. "But she did it the right way. . . . Another guy might have said in a macho battle with Trump: "Give up. It does not happen. We are canceling it. I think it took him off his path for a moment. That rejected him.

Trump did not understand the hint. A day later, Trump retaliated by canceling a military flight to transport Pelosi and other Democratic legislators on a trip that would include a visit to US troops in Afghanistan. Then this week, after Trump had indicated that he had no interest in reprogramming his speech, Pelosi had informed her that she had no intention of convening the traditional session as long as the government remains closed.

Finally, Trump, in late night tweets,

speaking in front of a group of journalists Friday, Pelosi explained the strategy: "You only start with a feather when you reach the sledgehammer. "

Although Trump's legislative director, Shahira Knight, Danny Weiss, Pelosi's chief of staff, aware of the evolving situation, Pelosi and Trump did not have any direct interaction after the Trump departure from a meeting held Jan. 9 in the meeting room of the White House.

There, Pelosi had insisted that any lengthening of long-term funding would not compel Democrats to agree to pay funds. Pelosi remained faithful to this position throughout the fight.

"Am I not clear on the wall?", She said Friday to the question of whether her position had changed after the conclusion of the government's reopening agreement. "No, I was very clear on the wall. I was very clear. "

As the confrontation unfolded, the House introduced each bill one after the other to reopen government agencies. Meanwhile, in the Republican-controlled Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Refused to move to action without Trump's assent, thus creating an imbalance in the actions which has forged the perception that it is Trump and the Republicans, not Pelosi and the Democrats.

On Friday, after Trump agreed to sign the government's reopening bill, the Democrats congratulated Pelosi.

In a tweet, representative Karen Bass, D-Calif., Said Pelosi "Jackie Speier, D-Calif., Discussed the reported physical problem that would have disqualified Trump from the Vietnamese project:" @POTUS has bone spurs. @SpeakerPelosi has a spine. "And rapper Cardi B suggested that Pelosi had treated Trump as a domestic dog.

A tweet also highlighted Pelosi's ability to unify his caucus, moderates of Trump's districts on the far left of the party [19659003] "I'm going to tell you one thing that most countries probably already know: @SpeakerPelosi is not joking," wrote rookie Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y., a dominant voice in the news. liberal wing of the party.

Pelosi said Friday: "Our unity is our power, and that is perhaps what the president underestimated."

A CBS News poll published this week set the number of Pelosi's approval at 39%, a figure higher than that of Trump and McConnell – and significantly higher than that observed during the mid-year campaign of last year, when Republicans have spent tens of millions of dollars on commercials Striker Pelosi as a symbol of dysfunctional governance. Fourteen percent of Republicans surveyed said Pelosi beat Trump at the close, compared with 6 percent of Democrats who saw Trump thwart Pelosi's ride.

Among recent Pelosi fans are some of the Democrats who wanted to oust him from his presidential post, arguing that the party needed a cooler face at the helm.

Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, says "more than delighted" that Pelosi held the line against the wall. It represents a border district centered on Brownsville, where a wall from one ocean to the other is widely considered a folly.

"Those of us who represent those border districts who think this wall is a complete waste of money are grateful. to President Pelosi and Senator Schumer for their battle, "he said.

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