Pence denounces "Buzzfeed's obsession" and "disappoints" Pelosi's "disappointing" rejection of the Trump border funding compromise


Vice President Mike Pence, speaking in "Fox News Sunday," said the Republicans "remain" willing to negotiate the compromise on the border funding proposed by President Trump on Saturday, even though that Pence had claimed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had committed to a "disappointing" strategy of "sound baffles" for nearly a month.

Pence's comments came as Fox News learned that Senate Republicans were jostling each other on Saturday night and Sunday morning to draft a bill that echoed Trump's proposal to end the current partial party. stoppage by the federal government. Democratic leaders, including Pelosi, preemptively rejected Trump's proposal before officially announcing it.

Pence was also attacking an explosive and discredited reportage of Buzzfeed News involving Trump in an attempt to lie to Congress – as well as to the breathtaking media coverage that ensued. for nearly 24 hours, until special advocate Robert Mueller makes his first public statement for more than a year to repudiate him. (The Washington Post later reported that Mueller had wanted by his rare denial to mean that the story was "almost entirely incorrect".)

Decrying "the obsession of many journalists in the national media of To attack this president for any reason, for any allegation, "Pence claimed that the problem was more important than Buzzfeed, who resolved without providing further justification, despite the extraordinary reprimand of Mueller.

"What is remarkable, what we saw happen 24 hours later, based on the report in Buzzfeed," said Pence. "It's one of the reasons why the national media are so frustrated that people are so frustrated."

But, speaking later at "Fox News Sunday," South Carolina's Democratic Representative, Jim Clyburn, defended the Democrats' response to the Buzzfeed Report. 19659003] "I do not think my Democratic friends are judging because they qualified right from the start [by saying]," If that's right, "said Clyburn." When you start your statement by "If true," it gives me all the coverage you need. "


Despite the hubbub, said Pence, the White House remains committed to ending the partial blockage of the federal government, which is entering its thirtieth day.

"A legislative process will begin Tuesday in the US Senate" to develop a bill implementing the Trump proposal, said Pence, anchored to Chris Wallace.

What Trump proposed Wednesday is not necessarily Trump's latest offer, Pence said.

" He was disappointing to see the President Pelosi rejected the offer before the president gave his speech "Saturday," Pence said. "The President proposes a solution, and what we have from Democratic leaders is just noise."

  Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, California, in the center Addresses reporters as she leaves an event with federal employees maimed as part of the partial government closure on Wednesday, Jan. 16. 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington (Photo AP / Andrew Harnik)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Calif., In the center, speaks to reporters as she leaves an event with Federal employees maimed during the partial closure of the government, Wednesday, January. 16, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)

The text of a bill purporting to include protections for 700,000 beneficiaries of a deferred action for child arrivals (DACA), $ 5.7 billion, Trump was looking for a fence along the country's southern border with Mexico, and extensive protections for 300,000 recipients of the temporary protection status (TPS) program – should be ready Monday, Fox News learned.


Whether Republicans can win 60% Senate votes to defeat a possible flibustile Democrat Bill, though Pence is not conventional.

"As the President often says, we will see," said Pence, pointing out that Republicans have 53 votes in the House.

The Vice President then firmly rejected comments by some conservative commentators, including Ann Coulter, that the plan amounted to an "amnesty" – a line of attack suggesting that some Republicans in the House and in the Senate might not support the proposal. legislation.

"This is not an amnesty, there is no way to access citizenship, there is no permanent status here, and it is what Amnistie is planning for, "Pence told Wallace. It's a good-faith effort to fix the problem. "

In a series of tweets At the beginning of Sunday, Trump also denied that his compromise plan was an amnesty for illegal immigrants – although it was not a good thing. he seems to have left the door open for an amnesty under a "much bigger deal."

Pence added, "I think the Americans see that, Chris, they'll see it as that he is. President Trump said, "Bring me all ideas from all sides, put them all on the table." The President made it clear what he would support. The time has now come for the Senate and the House to vote to secure our border and reopen the government. "

Pelosi and the Democratic leaders unnecessarily prolong the closure, said Pence.

" I was sitting next to the president [in the White House Situation Room] when President Pelosi said, if we reopened the government and if we would take 30 days to negotiate, it would not give money to the president for border security or a wall. "The most important thing is for the American people to make their voices heard."


Separately, Pence announced that a second summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong An appointment will be held next month.

But in December, North Korea promised never to unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons unless the United States first dismantles their nuclear threat, and US intelligence officials said that the country would not denuclearize its promises.

"The President will announce the details in the coming days," Pence said. "There will be a second summit, and at this summit, we will define our expectations for North Korea to take concrete steps to start realizing the denuclearization that Kim Jong Un has undertaken. optimistic." [19659003] Pence concluded by extending his prayers to the "four American heroes" killed in a suicide bombing Wednesday at a restaurant in Syria, including two members of the US armed forces, a civilian of the Department of Defense and a sub-national. dealing.

  President Donald Trump salutes as a US Navy team carries a transfer box containing the remains of Scott A. Wirtz on Saturday, January 19, 2019, at Dover Air Force Base, Del. . (AP Photo / Patrick Semansky)

President Donald Trump salutes the US Navy team relocating a transfer case containing the remains of Scott A. Wirtz on Saturday, January 19, 2019, at Dover Air Base, in Del. Air Base (AP Photo / Patrick Semansky)

Pressed by Wallace as to whether the Islamic State had really been defeated in Syria, as Pence and Trump have repeated, Pence said the "progress" made by the administration against ISIS were "remarkable".

The White House, citing what the President called a useless loss in American lives, announced in December that the departure of approximately 2,000 US troops to Syria would be imminent.

"After President Obama's withdrawal of US forces from Iraq in 2011, we literally witnessed the rise of the ISIS caliphate and invaded vast areas of conquered Syria and Iraq. by American soldiers, "said Mr. Pence. "President Obama started the bombing campaign two years later, but President Trump changed the rules of engagement and asked our army, its commander-in-chief, to pursue them, and 39, to our soldiers and to the Americans who fought, our allies literally crushed the Islamic State. "

Pence continued:" The president made the decision, as commander-in-chief, to entrust the fight the Islamic State in Syria to our coalition partners.We are working in the process The President wants to bring our troops home, but recognizes that there remains traces, there are still fighters of the Islamic State in the region, but we took over 99% of the territory claimed by the caliphate., the ISIS state was defeated, but we will not rest before driving ISIS not only from the region, but from the face of the earth. "

Chri Wallace and Chad Pergram of Fox News contributed to this report.

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