Petrosyan came out with Brokhunova and was criticized


Soviet and Russian humorists Eugène Petrosian appeared for the first time in public with a young assistant, Tatyana Brukhunova, considered guilty of her divorce with Olena Stepanenko.

The corresponding snapshot was posted on the Instagram channel "Celebrity World", which states that they visited together. in the play "Tabakerka" at the premiere of the performance "Sailor & # 39; s Silence".

"30-year-old Tatiana Brukhunova looked very modest: a red knit jacket, a pleated skirt, glasses and a totally unprepared make-up, but Petrosyan, 73, as always, looks brightly at the jacket trend with a bright tie and latest smartphone model in their hands "- said in the description

It should be noted that network users are not shared the enthusiasm that has hosted two outstanding journalists. Some also said that Stepanenko looked better than Brukhunov.

"Grandma", "He is just an old sack of money", "He is good for his old lady", "Stepanenko although in years, but much better

Obozrevatel As reported, in August, it was reported that Petrosyan and Stepanenko decided to leave. The wife of a comedian demanded the division of property.

Long before that, the personal assistant of the artist Tatiana Brukhunova was repeatedly called "a possible mistress". Petrosyan has been noticed several times by brown societies, and on January 15, they went to Barcelona, ​​although they did not show any common images.

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