Pinellas Sheriff defends his decision not to stop the shooter from "Stand Your Ground"


PINELLAS COUNTY, Florida – The sheriff of Pinellas Township, Bob Gualtieri, went to the media on Tuesday to explain his decision not to stop Michael Drejka, the shooter of the "Stand Your Business" case. Ground ".

Although the press conference was to include members of the NAACP Clearwater Branch and the Pinellas Superior County Ministerial Alliance, both organizations canceled less than 30 minutes prior to the meeting. NAACP later explained in a statement: "We do not intend to stand with the sheriff on this, we continue to demand justice, the sheriff said that". he thought we were on the same page, but the page we are on is still calling for an arrest, "wrote Marva McWhite, president of the NAACP. McWhite further explained that they will continue to press the Attorney General's office for it to "demand justice" since the sheriff said that "the bus has left his post".

WATCH | The sheriff of Pinellas County holds conference to explain the decision not to stop the shooter from "Stand Your Ground"

Sheriff Gualtieri retains his decision not to Stop Michael Drejka, Clearwater resident, in the shooting death of Markeis McGlockton.

"All the evidence has not been made public, it has not been seen by the public or the media, and an opinion can not be made without all the evidence," Gualtieri said on Tuesday. adding that the case would be forwarded to the prosecutor's office for review later in the week.

The sheriff also claims that the case should not be considered a racial affair, as pointed out Ben Crump, the high-level lawyer, last week: "People are firing irresponsible conclusions, it is false and this serves to say that it is a racial issue, "explained Gualtieri. the race card with this case Stand Your Ground, I do not see that, the race has no influence on this arrest, but do not stop Drejka because it is white is an absurdity.

Sheriff Gualtieri also said that he did not believe that Drejka "We will not stop, we will continue to investigate, we will send this to the state prosecutor, Drejka will not remain in prison until this decision is made. furious e, "Gualtieri added.

" He got away with the murder ": The victim's family does not believe that the claim" Stand Your Ground " is justified in a deadly shooting at Clearwater

"I was not mistaken. I am aware of the norm of the law, "the sheriff added, noting that many protested against his decision not to arrest Drejka. I do not do the law and I do not do what people want because of outrage.

Sheriff Gualtieri also told the media on Tuesday that Drejka no longer had possession of the firearm used in the shooting and that they did not expect that he would flee. the state or the country.

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