Poland and Norway announced the reciprocal expulsion of diplomats – news about UNN


KYIV. February 11th UNN. Poland and Norway mutually expelled diplomats, Gazeta Wyborcza reported. According to the Norwegian side, the conflict was caused by the behavior of the Polish consul Slavomir Kowalsky, reported UNN .

On Monday, February 11, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Kovalsky had been recognized as a non-grata. "This is due to the fact that his personal behavior is not compatible with his role and status as a diplomat," said Aftenposten, spokeswoman for Christine Enstad's office. As explained in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the consul has repeatedly received complaints. The diplomat was accused of threats and violence against Norwegian officials and of having created obstacles in their work. Kovalsky has repeatedly refused to comply with police requirements.

In accordance with the norms of diplomatic law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway asks the Polish authorities to withdraw Kowalsky. As Gazeta Wyborcza says, it happened on January 16th. Once this has not been done, the presence of a diplomat in Norway has been deemed undesirable.

"This is an extremely unjustified decision and the only possible solution in this situation on our part is the response that will be implemented immediately," commented Shimon Shinkovsky, deputy head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on his situation. on Twitter. Shortly after, it was announced that Warsaw had decided to expel the Norwegian consul from the country.

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Kovalsky's work as a consular officer. "The Ministry has a good opinion on the work of Consul Slavomir Kowalski, especially on his actions in favor of the interests of Polish families, and supports his position that the Norwegian declaration on the work of the Polish consul is unfounded", reads in the statement posted on the website of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Gazeta Wyborcza and Aftenposten attribute a conflict around the figure of the consul with his work protecting Polish immigrant families in Norway. According to Reuters, the Poles are the largest immigrant group in the country. Kowalsky has repeatedly come into conflict with employees of the Norwegian Barhoodnet service, which deals with the protection of children's rights. This service can take legal action to transfer the child to the authorities. In June 2018, the Norwegian police did not allow Kowalski to meet a child so removed from the family.

As noted UNN Poland will purchase an anti-missile artillery system in the United States

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