Poland buys HIMARS mobile artillery systems in the United States for $ 414 million – news on arms


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The purchase of rocket propulsion engines HIMARS is an important element of the modernization of the Polish Armed Forces.

  The system is designed to shoot with guided and unmanaged missiles / photos flickr.com/39955793@N07

The system is intended for controlled and unmanaged missiles / photos flickr.com/39955793@N07

Polish Minister of National Defense Mariusz Blaschak informed Polish radio.

According to the politician, Warsaw will pay the system at a good price, the agreement will be signed on February 13.

"Security is invaluable In the end, security is one of the priorities of the government of Mateusz Moravecki." Instead, I want to assure you that this agreement relates to the purchase of the equipment. Modern military equipment at a good price.For the HIMARS division, we will pay four hundred and fourteen million dollars.This is a good price, "said Blaschak.

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HIMARS, i.e. That the high mobility rocket system is a high powered rocket propulsion system designed for damage to artillery, air defense and fire system concentration areas, transport vehicles, combat vehicles and combat vehicles. armored personnel carriers, as well as providing fire support to its units and their means of support. The purchase of these systems is an important element in the modernization of the Polish armed forces

As reported by UNIAN, the US State Department has approved the sale of Romania to 1 billion 250,000 USD of ammunition for launchers. HIMARS American rockets and associated equipment.

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