Policewoman Natalie Corona, in force only two weeks, shot in Davis, California


A rookie officer was killed following an accident

Davis, California – A rookie police officer died after being shot in northern California by a suspect who died as a result of an accident. a self-inflicted bullet wound, authorities said. Officials from the Davis Police Department said policewoman Natalie Corona, 22, had been shot after being hit by a traffic accident involving three cars around 6:45 pm. Thursday in the community of western Sacramento.

Corona was taken to the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, where she died later.

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Officials of the Police Department Davis said policewoman Natalie Corona, aged 22, was shot after being involved in a traffic accident involving three cars around 6:45 pm

CBS Sacramento

CBS Sacramento reports that Corona was sworn in as an officer just two weeks ago. She followed in the footsteps of her father, Merced Corona, who worked in law enforcement. She graduated from the police academy in July

As a result of the shooting, the police ordered the establishment of a shelter in the city while the police were looking for the suspect, who was later found in a house close to the shooting after a brief impasse.

  -shot-traffic-stop-davis-calif-011019.jpg [19659005] Scene of the triple car accident of January 10, 2019 in Davis, California, where the rookie police officer Natalie Corona fired, then she died. of his wounds

CBS Sacramento

Police said they did not identify the suspect or determine what motivated the shootings.

Davis Police Chief Darren Pytel told reporters that Corona was "a rising star in the department … I heard her describe by our agents tonight as our daughter, our friend and just one sister we all wanted, this is an absolutely devastating loss for the police service. "

She leaves to mourn her parents.

On Wednesday night, another recruit in Shreveport, Louisiana, was shot while she was leaving for work. Chateri Payne had just graduated from the Police Academy in November.

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