President Trump's Interview: Full Transcript of President Trump's Interview on "Face the Nation" Today


The following is the transcript of an interview with President Trump broadcast on Sunday, February 3, 2019 on "Face the Nation".

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you want to close the government again?

President DONALD TRUMP: Well, we are going to have to see what will happen on February 15 and I – I think –

MARGARET BRENNAN: You do not take it off the table?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I do not take anything away from the table. I do not like to take things off the table. It is this alternative. It is a national emergency, it is something else and you know that there have been many calls of national emergency. And it's really an invasion of our country by human traffickers. These are horrible people who bring mostly women, but bring women and children to our country. Trafficking in human beings And we are going to have a strong border. And the only way to have a solid border is to need a physical barrier. You need a wall. And whoever says otherwise is just playing games.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You had a showdown with President Pelosi. What did you learn about the negotiations with her?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I think it was very rigid – which I would expect – but I think it is very bad for our country. She knows that you need a barrier. She knows we need border security. She wanted to gain a political point. I think it's a very bad policy because it basically wants open borders. She does not fear human trafficking or would not do it because you know –

MARGARET BRENNAN: She has given you over a billion dollars for border security.


MARGARET BRENNAN: She has offered more than a billion dollars for border security. She does not want the wall.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It costs the country hundreds of billions of dollars, because what happens is when the border is porous and drugs are pouring in, and when there are people. Dying all over the country because of people like Nancy Pelosi who do not want to give adequate security at the border for political reasons, she is doing a very poor service to our country. And the 15th, we set the table perfectly because everyone knows what happens because of the closure. People who had no idea – they had no idea what was going on, they now know exactly what's going on. They see the human traffic. They see drugs, gangs and criminals flocking. Now we catch them because we are doing a great job. But if we had adequate border security, we would not have to work so hard and we could do an even better job, and I think Nancy Pelosi is doing a disservice to the people of our country. But she can …

MARGARET BRENNAN: You're still going to have to deal with it now.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, she can continue to play her games, but we will win. Because we have a much better problem. Politically, what she does is – I think in fact it's a bad policy, but most of all, it's very bad for our country.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I would like to ask you questions about your intelligence officials who testified at Capitol Hill. the week. Have you read the report that they presented?


MARGARET BRENNAN: And did you – there was a conversation you had because you went on Twitter and that you called them naive and told them to go back to school.


MARGARET BRENNAN: What's wrong with what they said?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I think … let me just say that it was not so much a report. That was the questions and answers at the time of submission of the report and they were asked questions and answers. We did an incredible job with Syria. When I took control of Syria, she was infested with ISIS. It was everywhere. And now you have very little ISIS and the caliphate is almost knocked out. We will announce in the not too distant future 100% of the caliphate which is the region – the land – the region – 100. We are at 99% for the moment, we will be at 100. When I took over the torch was a disaster. I think we did a good job with that. At the same time, at some point, we want to bring our people home. If you look at Afghanistan, we are entering our 19th year very soon, we are spending $ 50 billion a year. Now, if you look at one of my speeches or campaign rallies, I've talked about it all the time.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You did it. You mentioned – and that –

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: – I want to bring people back home

MARGARET BRENNAN: But that's one of the issues here. It's because you have strong beliefs and people are asking, "Well, why do not the facts influence those opinions, if those facts change?" And – and your Director of National Intelligence Services stated that the Islamic State still possessed strongholds in Iraq and Syria –


MARGARET BRENNAN: –and he will launch attacks from there.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: You will always have pockets of something. You're going to have people, like the only gunman who blew up a restaurant. You will have pockets. But you will not keep armies there because you have a few people. Or you even have a fairly reasonable number of people. We have been there for many, many years. We were supposed to be in Syria for four months. We have been here for years. We have been in Afghanistan for 19 years. And by the way, I am hitting hard in Afghanistan and now we are negotiating with the Taliban. We'll see what happens, who knows …

MARGARET BRENNAN: Can you trust the Taliban? Can you really negotiate an agreement?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Look, if we should have been there initially, that's the first question. Second question –

MARGARET BRENNAN: It is from there that the 11/09 was launched.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: … we have been here for 19 years, we are fighting very well almost. We are fighting harder than ever before. And I think they'll- I think they're tired and, I think everyone is tired. We must come out of these endless wars and bring our people home. This does not mean that we will not watch intelligently. We will watch and watch closely. North Korea –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Is not it more difficult without troops on the ground?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Everything is more difficult. But you know you're paying a heavy price to the troops on the ground. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on military. We are the policemen of the world and we do not have –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because your intelligence chiefs are afraid however that you can see, in this void, a resurgence of ISIS.


MARGARET BRENNAN: See the resurgence of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda –

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: And you know what we will do? We will come back if it is necessary. We have very fast planes, we have very good cargo planes. We can come back very quickly and I do not leave. We have a base in Iraq and the base is a fantastic building. I mean, I was there recently and I could not believe the money spent on these huge tracks. And these – I have rarely seen anything like this. And it's there. And we will be there. And frankly, we are hitting the caliphate of Iraq and we are slowly withdrawing from Syria. Now, the other thing –

MARGARET BRENNAN: How many soldiers are there in Syria?


MARGARET BRENNAN: When did they return home?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They start getting the rest, the rest, the rest. from the Caliphate of the region, they will go to our base in Iraq, and finally, some will go home. But we're going to be here and we're going to stay …

MARGARET BRENNAN: So it only takes a few months?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We must protect Israel. We must protect other things we have. But we … yeah, they'll come back in a matter of time. Look, we protect the world. We spend a lot more than anyone in history. In the last five years we have spent almost $ 50 billion a year in Afghanistan. That's more than most countries spend on everything, including education, medicine and everything in between, with the exception of a few countries.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Is there a scenario where you would maintain troops in Afghanistan? A smaller number?

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Yes. And I will leave the information there. True intelligence, by the way. I will leave information there and if I see nests forming, I will do something about it. But for us to spend $ 51 billion, like last year, or if you calculate the average cost, I mean you're talking about numbers that no one has ever heard of before.

MARGARET BRENNAN: The Senate Republicans voted, the vast majority of them said that they did not support what you are doing. That what you do would risk national intelligence by a precipitous withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I ran against 17 Republicans. That was a big part of what I said and I won very easily. I think the people of the world – I think the people of our country are in agreement. We have been fighting for 19 years. Someone said that you rushed hurriedly? We have been there for 19 years. I want to fight. I want to win and we want to bring our great troops home. I saw people. I am going to Walter Reed Hospital. I see what happens to people. I see without legs or arms. And I also saw what was happening to them here because they were in this situation, and they come back and they are totally different people – where women, fathers and mothers say: "Qu & # 39; 39 happened to my son "What happened in some cases to my daughter?" It's a terrible thing, we've been there for almost 19 years. is the moment, and we will see what happens with the Taliban, they want peace, they are tired, everybody is tired, we would like to have – I do not like wars without end.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you – but you also campaigned saying that, you know, President Obama made a big mistake in telegraphing his military movements, you telegraph your retreat.

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I do not telegraph anything, no no No, there is a difference when President Obama withdrew from Iraq, theory, we had Iraq. In other words, we had Iraq. We have never had Syria because President Obama never wanted to break the red line in the sand. So we never had Syria. I was the one who violated the red line when I hit Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles, if you remember. But President Obama has chosen not to do it. When he chose not to do it, he showed great weakness. But we did not have Syria while we had Iraq. So when he did what he did in Iraq, it was a mistake. Being in Iraq was a mistake. D & # 39; agreement. Being in Iraq – it was a serious mistake to leave – one of the biggest mistakes made in the Middle East by our country. One of the biggest mistakes we ever made –

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you want to keep troops there?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: … but when it was chosen, we spent a fortune. on building this amazing base. We could as well keep it. And one of the reasons I want to keep it, is because I want to look into Iran a little bit because Iran is a real problem.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Wow, that's the news. You keep troops in Iraq because you want to be able to hit Iran?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, because I want to be able to look at Iran. All I want to do is watch it. We have an incredible and expensive military base built in Iraq. It is perfectly located to look everywhere in the different parts of the troubled Middle East rather than stop. And that's what a lot of people do not understand. We will continue to watch and continue and if there is a problem, if someone is looking to use nuclear weapons or other things, we will know it before.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you'll trust the information you receive?

THE PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP: I'm going to trust the information I'm putting out there, but I'll say this: my intelligence people, they were actually saying that Iran is a wonderful kindergarten, I do not agree with them 100 %.It is a vicious country that kills a lot of people.When you are talking about torture and so many other things, and maybe they will come back.The country became absolutely – when I ended the horrible Iranian nuclear deal – it was a horrible deal reached by President Obama and John Kerry who did not know what he was doing.When I terminated this agreement, Margaret, I was not there. Iran has suddenly become a different country and they have become very quickly, at the moment, a country with big financial problems.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I would like to move on, but I should say that your intelligence chiefs are saying that Iran is honoring this nuclear deal. I know you think it's a bad deal, but –

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I do not agree with them. I am – I am from elsewhere –

MARGARET BRENNAN: You do not agree with this assessment?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: … I have informants, but that does not mean that I am in agreement. President Bush had information that said Saddam Hussein –


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In Iraq, nuclear weapons possessed all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Guess what? These informants did not know what they were doing, and they tied us into a war in which we should never have been engaged. And we spent $ 7 trillion in the Middle East and we lost lives …

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you trust your national security adviser John Bolton because he was working for the Bush administration?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Yes, and I respect John and John is not one of the people who testified or on.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: And you know what I say to people – you can testify as you wish. I will not prevent them from testifying. They said that they had been misinterpreted – maybe they might not have been, I do not really know – but I can tell you this, I want that to happen. they have their own opinion and I want them to give me their opinion. But when I look at Iran, I see Iran as a nation that has caused enormous problems.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: When I came in as President of the United States, my first year I went to the Pentagon two weeks after I arrived, shortly thereafter, and I was given a – because I wanted to know what was happening with Iran.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We were in many parts of the Middle East in great difficulty. Each of them was caused by the world's first terrorist country, Iran. So when my intelligence services tell me how wonderful Iran is – if you do not mind, I'll settle for my own advice.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You have had a lot of changes lately in your administration. as well. Are you satisfied with the firm and staff you have now?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: So we have an excellent cabinet. I have great people. I think we now have a very good firm. I think Bill Barr will be a fantastic Attorney General, and I think we … Mike Pompeo does a fantastic job. We have –

MARGARET BRENNAN: He's not leaving?

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: No, I do not … I mean, he told me that he would not want to leave. I think it was –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because McConnell was talking to him –


MARGARET BRENNAN: … about being present in the Senate. He said that McConnell told him about his candidacy for the Senate.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, he may have spoken to her, but I think he likes to be secretary of state. He does a fantastic job. And I asked him the question the other day, he said he would not leave at all. I do not think he would do that. And he does not want to be a lame duck. And he does a fantastic job as Secretary of State. Enlightened energy and a great intelligent gentleman.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because you have an acting AG until the confirmation of Barr –


MARGARET BRENNAN: An Acting Secretary of Defense. An acting chief of staff. Acting Secretary of the Interior


MARGARET BRENNAN: So you are going to shake –

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Some, and others not

MARGARET BRENNAN: –positions. 19659003] PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Some do a fantastic job. Really, I like playing because I can move so fast. It gives me more flexibility. But, in reality, some of the names you mentioned do a fantastic job.

MARGARET BRENNAN: How to know when to fire someone?

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: When that does not happen. When –

MARGARET BRENNAN: What do you mean?

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: When that is not done. As with General Mattis, I was not happy with his service. I told him to give me a letter.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: He resigned because I asked him to resign. He resigned because I was very kind to him. But I gave him big budgets and he did not do well in Afghanistan. I was not happy with the work he was doing in Afghanistan. And if you look at Syria, what happened, I went to Iraq recently. If you look at Syria, what has happened in Syria in recent weeks, you would see that things are not getting worse. That things are happening that are very good. So, I was not happy with him, but I wish him good luck.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I would like to ask about your relationship with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Have you put aside your differences?

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I think so. I mean, I … I was just one who felt very important, you can not be kneeling for the national anthem. You must respect our flag and our country. I want him as president and I would like him as a citizen. And I have a very good relationship. I did them a great favor by negotiating the USMCA, which basically replaces NAFTA, which is one of the worst trade deals ever concluded. And I said in Canada, look, we have a big American company known as the NFL, and they have been injured and treated unfairly, the NFL, by Canada for a long time. And I told Prime Minister Trudeau, who was very kind to that and really understood it, I hope you can resolve the difference immediately and quickly. And they did it. I have done a great service to the NFL as a great American company and they enjoyed it. And Roger Goodell, it's a dispute that has been going on for years. Roger Goodell called me and he thanked me. And I enjoyed that. But they did not kneel, they respect the flag and their ranking is excellent since. And a lot of good things happened.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Talk about the kneeling position you have adopted and the controversy surrounding it. Do you think that players who knelt scored a point? Are you sensitive to players such as Colin Kaepernick, who point out that the majority of victims of police violence are black?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, you know, I was the one who had passed the judicial reform. And if you look at what I did, the criminal justice reform and what I did, President Obama tried. They all tried. Everyone wanted to do it. And I did it and you know, a lot of people from the NFL called me to thank me.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They were calling and thanking you, you know, that people have been trying to solve this problem and that this is now enshrined in the law and affects a considerable number of people, and very good people people. I think when you want to protest, I think it's great. But I do not think you do it on behalf of our flag, on behalf of our national anthem. Absolutely.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But you, do I understand that you say that you are still sensitive? I mean you understand the motivation of the protest –


MARGARET BRENNAN: Even if you do not like its form.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: A lot of this has to do with the reform of what I understand. Whether it is criminal justice or anything else, they have different versions and everyone seemed to have a different version. But that was largely related to that and I'm busy with it. I think that people must, at all times, respect our flag and our network and our country. And I think there are a lot of places and times where you can protest and you can do a lot of things. But you can not do that. It's my opinion.

MARGARET BRENNAN: In a CBS poll just taken, 63% of Americans say they disapprove of the way you treat race issues in the United States.


] MARGARET BRENNAN: What do you think of that?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: What happened is very interesting. The economy is so good right now. You have seen the jobs report that has just been released. Three hundred and four thousand jobs added, which is shocking, for the month. A shock for many people. They thought it would be half that number. African Americans have the best employment figures in our country's history. Hispanic Americans have the best employment figures in our country's history. Americans of Asian origin, the best in the history of our country. You look at the women, the best of 61 years. And our staff is phenomenal, the best for more than 50 years. So, I think that I have much attributed this merit. And in terms of race, many people say that it is something very special.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, because your colleagues even like Republican Senator Tim Scott. He said that Donald Trump is not racist. But he said you were insensitive to race.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I have very good relations with Tim and certainly with his state, South Carolina, and we are doing very well. And I think if you look at the African American unemployment figures, the best numbers they've had – literally, the best figures in history. And I think that they like me a lot and that I love them very much.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you want to let your son Barron play football?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It's very, it's a very difficult question. This is a very good question. S? He wanted it? Yes. Would I guide him that way? No, I would not want to.


THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I would not do it. And he plays a lot of football. He likes football. And many people, including me, thought that football would probably never succeed in this country, but it is moving really fast. I – I do not like the reports I see on football – I mean, it's a dangerous sport and I think it's really difficult for me I thought the equipment would improve and a. The helmets have improved a lot, but the problem has not been solved. So, you know, I hate to say it because I love watching football. I think the NFL is a great product, but I really think that when it comes to my son, I've heard NFL players say that they would not let their sons play football. . So.

MARGARET BRENNAN: What surprised you about some of the questions you asked Robert Mueller?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Look what is happening in Russia is a hoax. I've been harder on Russia than any president, perhaps ever. But more than any president.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But when it comes to the special council investigation, I mean 34 people have been charged here. Seven pleas of guilty –

CHAIR DONALD TRUMP: Excuse me. Ok, are you ready? Ok, are you ready? Among the 34 people, many were bloggers from Moscow or people who had nothing to do with me, who had nothing to do with what they talk about or some people got caught lying or to lie. I think it's a terrible thing that happened to our country because this survey is a witch hunt. It's a terrible witch hunt and a shame –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you think that should be made public?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: … when you look at General Flynn where the FBI said he was not lying, but Robert Mueller said it was, and they have took a man and destroyed his life. When you look at so much that has happened, why not take it to Hillary Clinton for her emails? She had thirty-three thousand emails which had been suppressed after receiving a Congressional subpoena –

MARGARET BRENNAN: And according to the special counsel –

THE PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Excuse me, but Margaret, why –

MARGARET BRENNAN: … they were posted on WikiLeaks and your friend Roger Stone has just been indicted for his involvement there and for lying.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: First of all, Roger Stone did not work in the campaign, except in the beginning way before we talked about it. Roger is someone I've always loved, but many people like Roger. Some probably do not like Roger, but Roger Stone is someone I've always loved. I mean Roger is a character but Roger was not – I do not know if you know it or not – Roger was not on my campaign except at the beginning –

MARGARET BRENNAN: C & # 39;est vrai

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP : Donc, c'est tout et pourtant vous allez me poser une question comme celle-là, je n'ai pas participé à ma campagne.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Voulez-vous lui pardonner?

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Je n'y ai pas pensé il. On dirait qu'il se défend très bien. Mais vous devez vous débarrasser de la chasse aux sorcières en Russie, car c’est effectivement le cas. Et rappelez-vous –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Parce que vous pensez –

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Souvenez-vous de ceci. Rappelez-vous ceci. Aucun président n'a été aussi dur envers la Russie que Donald Trump.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Voulez-vous rendre public le rapport Mueller parce que vous dites qu'il n'y a rien dedans? Le Congrès peut quand même le citer à comparaître.

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Tout à fait à la charge du Procureur général.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Mais que voulez-vous qu'ils fassent?

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Même le rapport Mueller a dit cela n'avait rien à voir avec la campagne. Quand vous regardez certaines personnes et les événements, cela n'avait rien à voir –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Vous n'auriez pas de problème –



LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Excusez-moi. C'est au procureur général de décider. Je ne sais pas. Ça dépend. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que cela va dire.


LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Jusqu'à présent, cette affaire a été une chasse totale aux sorcières. Et cela ne m'implique d'aucune façon. Il n'y avait pas de collusion. Il n'y avait pas d'obstruction. Il n'y avait pas rien. Cela ne m'implique en aucune façon, mais je pense que c'est une honte.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Qu'est-ce qui vous ferait utiliser l'armée américaine au Venezuela? Quel est l'intérêt de la sécurité nationale?

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Eh bien, je ne veux pas dire cela.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Seriez-vous personnellement en mesure de négocier avec Nicolás Maduro pour le convaincre de quitter les lieux?

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: On lui a demandé une réunion et je l'ai transformé. bas parce que nous sommes très loin dans le processus. Vous avez un homme jeune et énergique, mais vous avez d'autres personnes au sein de ce même groupe qui ont été très, si vous parlez de démocratie, c'est vraiment la démocratie en action.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Quand a-t-il demandé une réunion?

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Nous allons voir ce qui s’est passé.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Mais maintenant, parce que vous êtes à ce point de crise –

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Eh bien, il nous faudrait voir maintenant

MARGARET BRENNAN: Voulez-vous négocier cela?

LE PRÉSIDENT, DONALD TRUMP: Je dirais ceci. J’ai décidé à l’époque «non» parce que tant de choses vraiment horribles se sont passées au Venezuela lorsque vous regardez ce pays. C'était le pays le plus riche de tous dans cette partie du monde qui est une partie très importante du monde. Et maintenant vous regardez la pauvreté et vous regardez l’angoisse, vous regardez le crime et vous regardez tout ce qui se passe. Donc, je pense que le processus se déroule – de très grandes et énormes manifestations.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Corée du Nord. Où et quand rencontrerez-vous Kim Jong Un?

PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Je ne vous le dirai pas encore, mais vous découvrirez probablement l'état de l'Union ou peu avant. Mais la réunion est fixée. Il l'attend avec impatience. Je suis impatient d'y être. Nous avons fait d'énormes progrès. Si vous vous en souvenez, avant de devenir président, il semblait que nous partions en guerre avec la Corée du Nord. Maintenant, nous avons une très bonne relation. Les otages sont de retour. D'accord, les restes commencent à revenir. Les restes de nos anciens combattants de la guerre de Corée –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Mais votre chef des services de renseignement a témoigné cette semaine qu'il était très peu probable que Kim Jong Un abandonne sa mission nucléaire –

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Eh bien, c'est ce que – [19659003] MARGARET BRENNAN: … programme d'armes

LE PRÉSIDENT DONALD TRUMP: C'est ce que pense le chef du renseignement, et je pense –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Pourquoi se trompe-t-il?

Le président DONALD TRUMP: une bonne possibilité de cela aussi. Mais il y a aussi de très bonnes chances que nous concluions un accord. Je pense qu'il est aussi fatigué de traverser ce qu'il traverse. Il a la chance de faire de la Corée du Nord un formidable géant économique. Il a la chance d'être l'un des grands pays économiques du monde. Il ne peut pas faire cela avec des armes nucléaires et il ne peut pas faire cela sur la voie dans laquelle ils se trouvent maintenant. Je l'aime. Je m'entends bien avec lui. Nous avons une chimie fantastique. We have had tremendous correspondence that some people have seen and can't even believe it. They think it's historic. And we'll see what happens. Now that doesn't mean we're going to make a deal. But certainly I think we have a very good chance of making a deal. And one of the reasons is because North Korea has a chance being located between Russia, China, and South Korea. What a location- I'm in the real estate business- what a location. They have a chance to be an economic powerhouse.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You're going to keep U.S. troops there, in South Korea?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, I mean we haven't talked about anything else. Maybe someday. I mean who knows. But you know it's very expensive to keep troops there. You do know that. We have 40,000 troops in South Korea, it's very expensive. But I have no plans, I've never even discussed removing them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to quickly get to China. The last time you spoke with FACE THE NATION you were one hundred days into office and you said you would accept a less than perfect trade deal with China, if it meant they'd be helpful with North Korea. Do you stand by that?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, yes but I think we're in a different position now.

MARGARET BRENNAN: What do you mean?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We've put very massive tariffs on China. China is paying a big price and it's hurt China's economy very badly. I want them to make a fair deal.They have been very helpful, especially at the beginning when I first came in with North Korea. They have stopped goods from going in. They have stopped a lot of things from going in through the border. Because as you know they have a border just like we have a border with Mexico, where crime is way up by the way, way up, and you have to remember that. But we have a border with- they have a border with North Korea.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: They have been very vigilant. Are they the same now? Probably a little bit less so. But North Korea is absolutely talking. And I think North Korea wants to make a deal. We are making a deal. It looks like we're doing very well with making a deal with China. I can tell you this, no two leaders of this country and China have ever been closer than I am with President Xi. We have a good chance to make a deal. I don't know that we're going to make one, but we have a good chance. And if it is a deal it's going to be a real deal. It's not going to be a stopgap.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Sir, I hear your helicopters. I'm being told to wrap. I appreciate you being generous with your time.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Thank you very much, Margaret.



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