Propaganda, hacking and undermining trust: the US Senate has reaffirmed Russia's interference in the presidential election – The World


Putin and the Russian government have created clear preferences for President-elect Trump.

The Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed the findings of the Russian intelligence services in the US presidential elections of 2016.

The committee's report published on July 3.

"We believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin has authorized a campaign to hold presidential elections in the United States in 2016," the report states

. the public to a democratic process in the United States, humiliation The opponent Trump Hillary Clinton, which harms his ability to be elected and to his potential presidency

"We also think that Putin and the Russian government have created clear preferences for President-elect Trump, "says the report. The US Committee mentions the means of Russia's Russian propaganda, in particular, with the help of the media Sputnik and RT (Russia Today).

It would seem that the committee is studying the intelligence work undertaken by the intelligence community since January 2017, as well as the sources on which it is based, and sees no reason to dispute its conclusions. According to the US Senate Intelligence Committee released in May, a declassified portion of a report prepared by the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency, the Kremlin intervened during the 2016 US presidential election.

In particular, Russian hackers before the US presidential election in 2016 carried out cyber-attacks on the servers of the Democratic Party, as well as during the election campaign on behalf of Moscow distributed propaganda in social networks to influence his results in favor of Donald Trump.

Recall that in April, the United States Congress issued Report on relations and the seat of the election of President Donald Trump's plot of Russia . "There is no evidence that Donald Trump's campaign has conspired, cooperated or coordinated with Russia," said committee chairman Donald Trump. At the same time, it is noted that Russia has waged an information war against Western countries over the last decade at least. It also means that Russia has tried to inform, cybernetically swoon over the US elections, while organizing periodic attacks.

Video Russia interfered in US elections to help Trump – US Senate Committee

With such a statement made by the US Senate Committee on Intelligence. There they checked the intelligence services report on Russia's footprint and approved their findings. Senators also pointed out that Russia's technically complex and large-scale efforts have been endorsed by Putin himself in order to support Donald Trump and stop his rival, Hillary Clinton.

  Russia intervenes in US elections to help Trump - US Senate Committee

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