Protests in Venezuela: the Kremlin doubts the Maduro regime


  Dali return: the Kremlin doubted Maduro
In Russia, they doubted the viability of the Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, that Moscow officially supported after the beginning of the revolution in the country. Photo – NewsOne

Russia doubted the viability of the Venezuelan dictatorial regime Nicholas Maduro that Moscow officially supported after the beginning of the revolution in the country. among citizens According to Bloomberg, referring to two sources close to the Kremlin

In addition, the Venezuelan army, according to his interlocutors, is not ready to go against the protesters, from so that the dictator risks losing military resources.

US troops in Venezuela

The Russian authorities are also aware that it has little influence on the situation in Venezuela: the economic crisis is so strong that there is no financial possibility to solve it in Moscow and military support but impossible because of the territorial remoteness of the South American State

"Unfortunately, the time is not on the side of Maduro .In a worsening economic crisis situation, the company can quickly turn against it, " Vladimir Jabar First Vice President Commission international affairs in the upper house of the Russian Parliament.

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