Pruitt survived months of controversy preserving his relationship with Trump


Scott Pruitt has survived months of allegations of misconduct by keeping his relationship with a person at all costs: President Trump

Finally, according to two government officials familiar with internal discussions, Trump forced Thursday Pruitt to talk to him. – Instead, his chief of staff was calling the Environmental Protection Agency around noon to say that it was time for Pruitt to leave.

That Trump finally separates from his EPA Administrator was less the result of a detrimental revelation than the culmination of several weeks. According to four White House officials who, like other people interviewed for this story, spoke of the condition of anonymity to discuss the president's thinking, negative publicity became a political burden for the president.

. Trump said Thursday when asked what led to his decision. "Look, Scott is a great guy, and he came to see me and he told me that I had so much trust in the administration, I do not want to be a distraction. think Scott felt that it was a distraction. "

Trump had sought to ignore Pruitt's problems, even though he enjoyed spending time with Pruitt, who often had a tone of worship in his interactions with the president. After many comments from many advisers, Trump finally decided that Pruitt's problems would worsen and that Deputy Administrator Andrew Wheeler, whom he considered a "Trump supporter" and a very environmentally friendly person ", could do it too. So, he posted the tweet announcing the resignation of Pruitt aboard Air Force One en route to a rally in Montana and later congratulated Pruitt as a "terrific guy" – a distinct departure from the terse tweets that have ousted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Councilor HR McMaster and former Secretary of Health and Social Services Tom Price

"Within the Agency, Scott did a remarkable job and "Trump wrote.

In the end, Pruitt had few advocates in the West Wing.The White House's attorney's office considered him a constant source of trouble, Officials said According to EPA and White House officials, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly was obsessed with the idea of ​​ousting Pruitt. No longer even referred the calls of the Department of Cabinet Affairs, the White House Department that sup ervise agencies, said White House officials. His own former collaborators have delivered disastrous testimonies to Capitol Hill investigators in recent days, confirming media reports, and many in his own agency have turned against him.

Distinguished media critics that Trump loves, including Laura Ingraham. "And needed to go.

The White House Press Office told EPA officials to stop booking Pruitt on television, according to three current and former assistants. Pruitt then began to make his own appearances on television, according to these people.

He also drew the attention of the Office of Management and Budget which, according to the authorities, had determined that a A $ 43,000 soundproof telephone booth had been installed, a violation of federal law.The report has not yet been released, officials said.

Pruitt's transgressions, in the eyes of many, were overwhelming : His stole the first class and asked helpers to secure a military jet, got lobbying from a lobbyist, Problems will continue for both men: Pruitt still faces a dozen investigations and must produce forms of divul lgation of his income and that of his wife. And Trump must now confirm another EPA head in a very thin Senate where Pruitt was popular among some conservatives.

Pruitt's survival had just been in line of sight – fishing around the west wing while lavishing praise on Trump. the president, he was "brilliant" and a political revolutionary, according to people who attended meetings with him.

Both men also questioned the deep state, with current and former helpers, conspiring against them. Key presidential allies, such as donor Harold Hamm, have told Trump several times that Pruitt was implementing his program. And Pruitt reinforced some of Trump's strongest beliefs: that climate change was a hoax, that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was not doing it well and that the US had been cheated by international trading partners, officials said. . "My desire to serve you has always been to bless you when you make important decisions for the American people, I believe you are presiding today because of God's providence," Pruitt wrote in his resignation letter. .

For some Republican supporters of Trump and Pruitt allies, ethical mistakes were offset by reduced federal manpower, eradication "The President should have better protected him," Doug said Deason, a Dallas donor and a prominent Trump supporter who raised funds. for the Pro-Trump America First PAC. "I am extremely disappointed, he is the only cabinet secretary to have done what he was told to do, it is one of the only big blunders of his administration."

Deason said that Pruitt's actions at the EPA should have overridden his ethical mistakes, which he has downplayed

"I do not know why the president does it". Deason said. "He gives in to the left and makes a huge mistake."

Dan Eberhart, another prominent energy industry donor to Trump and the Republican National Committee, said Pruitt had "made questionable personal choices". effective ally. "

" The president should not expect criticism to end with Pruitt's resignation, "he said." Pruitt is only the last victim. "[19659019] Pruitt was on the White House lawn watching fireworks explode in the necessary Washington skyline

He was filled with praise for Trump and signed "your faithful friend." "

EPA aides said that Pruitt was not found in the office.

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