Prylucnyy beat Mutseniece: they were confirmed by the police


Police confirmed that it was December 28 to challenge the fact that the wife of the actor Pavlo Pryluchnyy Agatha Muczeniece had been beaten in the Moscow region.

According to the "StarHit", this information would have been provided by the police in response to a request for the hatch.

"On the evening of December 28, the girl received a message stating that a man had hit his wife in the nearby village of Truvil, a police officer who had gone there, had had a conversation with a man and a woman.The latter refused to write an Oak petition, "- said in a message.

At the same time, Agata herself denied that her husband beat her. She told reporters that everything was fine with her family.

"Stop at the birthday of my son, we are together with Paul, everything is fine," – said Mutseniece on 12 January, when he was asked to comment on the rumors.

For the first time, Agatha changed her image for the first time, her hair growing back. That's why fans have hinted that Pryluchny's wife was reacting to the problems of her personal life.

"I'm totally aware, New Year, new life, new life" – she showed a shot on Instagram.

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