Putin commented on the recognition of Guadino as the leader of Venezuela – the world


The Kremlin wants Venezuelans to solve their own problems

In the Kremlin, European countries have recognized Juan Guadido as Venezuela's leader instead of Nicolas Maduro, an interference in the affairs of that state. That's what Russian presidential press secretary Dmitri Peskov said, according to the TASS publication.

So he answered questions in which Russia could recognize the leader of the opposition of Venezuelan Juan Guadio as acting president of the republic.

According to spokesman Putin, the Venezuelan crisis can only be solved by Venezuelans.

"To impose certain decisions or to attempt to legitimize the attempt to usurp power is, in our opinion, a direct and indirect interference in life The case of Venezuela," he said.

Peskov is convinced that "Venezuelans must survive the crisis alone".

Note that on January 27, Peskov denied the message to send Russian fighters to Venezuela. According to media reports, Russian private military companies have arrived in Venezuela to ensure the safety of Maduro.

On January 23, Venezuela began demonstrating en masse against President Nicholas Maduro. Head of the National Opposition Assembly of Venezuela Huang Guaido declared himself president of the country. The National Assembly, in turn, announced that Guaido would act as the country's president

The White House announced that US President Donald Trump had already officially recognized him as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Canada were declared legitimate leaders of Venezuela . Juan Guadio also supported the Organization of American States.

Later, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the decision to sever diplomatic and political relations with the United States, which supported Guayido.

Europe also reacted to events in Venezuela. Germany and Spain asked Maduro to announce a new presidential election for eight days, failing which they would be recognized as the legitimate leader of Guaido. In general, Guaido was supported by the following European states: Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Denmark and France. In addition, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the recognition of Juan Guadio by the Acting President of Venezuela

. Elections Immediately, several European countries have called to announce a new vote so far – otherwise, they said recognize the leader of the opposition leader and speaker of Parliament, Juan Guaydo.

  Maduro declared that he would not conduct new presidential elections in Venezuela

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