Putin drank on a separate board: Record a meeting at the Kremlin


The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with young scientists from the Kremlin, brought a drink on a separate tray. Social media users suspected that he could be protected in the same way against poisoners.

The recording of the event was published on Twitter by the "RIA Kremlin Pool". On the video, we see that several servers give a large number of glasses to the guests and only one to Putin (see the video at the end of the page).

"Putin has a separate glass on a separate tray, meeting with young scientists in the Kremlin", – signed the pictures.

Immediately after its publication, many commentators referred to the fear of the Russian president.

"Everyone is afraid of being poisoned", did – presumed.

"Stalin was also pathologically afraid and did not trust anyone," the commentator wrote.

Some commentators have also suggested that such selectivity could be explained by the fact that the drink in a glass of Putin differs of the guest. In addition, users have noticed that the server was Putin's tie, and in all the others – "Butterflies".

As OBOZREVATEL wrote in August, Putin suspected that he could change his date of birth to adjust his horoscope that was done by Joseph Stalin.

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