"Putin will be the leader of the world," said dancer Polunin in a scandalous statement


The scandalous Ukrainian ballet actor Sergei Polunin, who often expresses a pro-Russian stance and is recognized in love with the Kremlin leader, was shocked by another statement.

Polunin wrote a new post on Instagram on January 10th.

Read also: "You destroyed my country": Sergey Polunin, scandalous, explained to EuroMaydan his attitude

Sergei said that he believed that Putin would become "the leader of the whole world".

I love America, one of the most magical countries. There was a strong feeling, but if Vladimir Putin became the leader of the world. I will pray for it because it will be a complete victory over Evil. This is a good, strong, charismatic man, full of light and love, let the universe help him overcome evil. I believe it will be the future. And my energy will help in this task.

Let us add that the dancer writes his publications in two languages ​​- in Russian and in English. However, Polunin's spelling mistakes reverberate in the eyes. Some users have suggested that these scandalous statements were dragging on.

Instagram / @sergeipolunin / Screenshot

Remember that Sergei Polunin has repeatedly expressed sympathy for the Russian Federation. The ballet dancer said that Russia and Ukraine should meet. Because of these unexpected and resounding statements, many stars of the Ukrainian show have stopped talking to Sergei Polunin. In particular, the price of ballet is Ekaterina Kuhar.

Who is Sergei Polunin? Sergey, from the city of Kherson, aged 17, participated in a great ballet. He was later accepted into the corps of the Royal London Ballet and two years later he was elected the youngest Prime Minister in history. In 22, Sergei "escaped" from the Royal Ballet and went to seek happiness and self-realization in Russia. Later, they learned it all over the world.

Last September, Sergey Polunin was on the list of best men in 2017 according to the British magazine GQ. After that, he often began to be invited to participate in American films and fashion photo shops. Sergei Polunin currently lives abroad and received Russian citizenship in Moscow.

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