Qualcomm disbursed 1.34 billion euros to ban the sale of an iPhone in Germany


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The Munich District Court ruled that Apple had violated the Qualcomm patent by installing the energy saving technology of the company. IPhone with Modem Enabled

  At the time of the call, the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 8 would not be available in 15 Apple stores. in Germany / UNIAN

Mobile Components Processor Company Qualcomm made a security payment of 1.34 billion euros to execute a temporary injunction regarding the sale of several iPhone models in Germany.

Read also In Germany, may prohibit the sale of iPhone 7 and 8

Qualcomm Incorporated has announced a guarantee of 1.34 billion euros. The filing is necessary to allow the company to enforce a 20 December 2018 court ruling that Apple allegedly violated Qualcomm's proprietary energy-saving technologies, "said Kommersant.

December 20 2018, the Munich County Court ruled that Apple violated the Qualcomm patent by installing the iPhone's energy saving technology when the modem is turned on. According to the verdict, it will be banned to Apple to sell some models of its smartphones in Germany.

"We are of course disappointed with this decision," said the company at the time. "All models of iPhone will be available for buyers through suppliers, intermediaries of 4,300. points all over Germany. At the time of the call, the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 8 will not be available at the 15 Apple stores in Germany. The iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR will remain on sale in all our stores. "

It is noted that the verdict can be appealed to the Higher Regional Court." Support payments are made for the execution of court decisions if, despite the temporary victory, the participant in the proceedings loses the case before the highest court and must then pay damages

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