Ronaldo will return to Portugal and play with Ukraine


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A 33-year-old footballer no longer spoke on behalf of the national team since last summer.

  Cristiano Ronaldo / REUTERS "src =" 1540306654-5712.JPG? 0.8972037282887735 "title =" Cristiano Ronaldo / REUTERS "/> 

<p> Cristiano Ronaldo / REUTERS </p>
<p>  The Juventus striker, Cristiano Ronaldo, said that in 2019, he would rejoin the team Portuguese national, who did not do it.have acted after the world championships in 2018. </p>
<p>  "In 2019, we intend to return to the position of the Portuguese national team. We have an agreement with the team of coaches, zgi Le bottom with which I will not participate in the matches of the national team in the first part of this season. </p>
<p>  <span class= Read also The national selection match between Ukraine and Portugal will take place in Kiev

I'm 33 years old. and I just changed clubs and changed the methodology of work, teammates, professional and personal regime, I think it was the best option for me ", quotes Ronaldo Record.

We remind you that the team Portuguese will be the rival of the Ukrainian national team on the qualifying phase of the Euro 2020 championship. In early December, the famous game schedule of the qualifying group B became famous.

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