Russia changed its mind to send observers to elections in Ukraine


The Russian Federation will not send observers to the presidential elections in Ukraine. The reason for such a decision in Russia has been called "security reason" for their representatives.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation cited the decision of Ukraine to refuse to accredit citizens of the Russian Federation as part of a mission of the Office of the Institutions democratic and human rights OSCE "expected" and accused of violation. international obligations.

Read also: Russia is an aggressor, – Volker changed its opinion on the admission of RF observers to elections in Ukraine

In these circumstances, the Russian side , on the basis of the security considerations of our representatives at the control mission of the TL DB, decided to refrain from directing them to Ukraine,
– told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

In addition, representatives of the aggressor country noted that the absence of their observers and the inability of Ukrainian citizens to vote in Russia called into question the transparency Presidential Elections

Who are Russians who are planning to visit Ukraine as observers? On February 11, two Russian observers, Khrystyna Bogdanova of the Institute of Electoral Diplomacy and Elizabeth Borysov of the Russian Public Electoral Law Institute charged with monitoring the elections under the mandate of the Russian Federation. OSCE / ODIHR

How did the OSCE react to Ukraine's decision to ban Russian observers from participating in the elections? The OSCE reacted negatively to such a decision of Ukraine. They stated that the ODIHR observers, to whom the Russians belonged, represented the OSCE in the first place and not their own country and adhered to a strict code of conduct.

Why will Ukraine not accept Russian observers? Russia will try to influence Ukrainians in elections through their observers. On January 9, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Ukraine would not accept the Russian observer registration requests for the presidential elections that will take place in the spring . According to him, it is a necessary step because it is representatives of the aggressor country.

The Ukrainian side has already made an official appeal to the Office of Democracy and Human Rights of the OSCE, which is why the presidential election in Russia can not be admitted. [19659009EmployeeRussianambassadorhasdeclaredacertaindecisionwouldbesupposedlyinaccordancewiththenormsofinternationallawandtheofficialpositionofKievenfavorofdemocraticvaluesincludingtheorganizationandtheruleofthetransparentelections

On February 7, the Verkhovna Rada voted in favor of ING and generally changes to the law on the observation of the electoral process , which prohibits Russian observers from participating in the presidential and legislative elections in Ukraine.

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