Russia convenes UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Ukraine


Tomorrow, February 12 at 5 pm, Kiev time, the United Nations Security Council will meet at the request of the Russian Federation.

Oleg Nikolenko, spokesman for the UN office on his Facebook page

"But do not hesitate to believe that Russia has begun to adhere to the Minsk agreements in which it has not yet fulfilled none of the points.This is the fact that there is another "smoke curtain", which aims to divert the attention of the UN Member States of the first comprehensive discussion at the United Nations General Assembly on the Russian aggression against Ukraine – on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the conflict – as part of the a new item on the agenda of the General Assembly held by Ukraine last September, "wrote Nikolenko.

According to him, the constructive role of the Kremlin in the resolution of the conflict initiated by the United Nations does not therefore believe that the meeting of the Congress Council by the Russian side seems to be particularly cynical.

The representative of Ukraine added that the Ukrainian delegation would take this opportunity to inform the international community of information concerning the events that occurred in the east of Ukraine.

"Last We recently welcomed Russian militants with Ukrainian positions, including those banned by the arms agreements of Minsk.We will also explain why it is important to keep the pressure on the military. aggressor until the world comes back to Ukrainian lands, "Nikolenko said.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced a discussion on the theme of the occupation of Donbass and Crimea at the United Nations General Assembly meeting

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