Russia has appointed conditions for the transit of gas through Ukraine


  Russia has named the terms of transit of gas by Ukraine
Russia is willing to continue to transit gas through Ukraine only on its own terms. Photo: TVC

Russia is ready to continue to pass gas through Ukraine only on its terms

said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Pankin according to RT

. its gas transmission system, as well as its successor and consortium, are uncertain.

"One of the options is the existence of a contract in force that can be extended with the necessary modifications, but it seems that Ukraine rejects this option." Here, probably, the automatism of the language does not not go, but there are certain nukes Niks, which will have to be cleaned up, "he said.

ALSO READ: The expert explained the conditions under which Ukraine could negotiate with gas

Pankin also pointed to the construction of Project 2 North Stream. [19659004] "When we build the North Stream, we will build and hopefully, we will build the North Stream 2, it will always be Russian gas for the European consumer," he said.

The Stockholm Arbitration opened its first meeting. on the complaint of Naftogaz NJSC against PJSC "Gazprom". "I am now in Stockholm for the first meeting of the new arbitration against Russia Gazprom," wrote Yuri Vitrenko, executive director of NAK, on ​​Facebook.

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