Russia is preparing for a large-scale war: who can become its new opponent


Russian military exercises are more and more extensive. Therefore, instead of participating in small conflicts, the Kremlin is now preparing to unleash a widespread war in the region against NATO or against China.

As noted by the Swedish Defense Research Agency FOI in its report, the training of Russian military personnel has increased considerably over the last decade.

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According to experts, since 2009, the Russian army has begun to prepare for long regional wars activists like China and NATO

"The Russian Ministry of Defense announced in 2017 that about 10,000 Russian soldiers had participated in strategic exercises in the In 2018, 300,000 soldiers were gathered to take appropriate action in the east of the country, some unattractive numbers, "said Johan Norberg, deputy director of research and development. security policy at FOI.

The intensity of Russian military exercises indicates that the armed forces of the Russian Federation are increasing their combat capabilities, while units are learning to perform combat operations missions.

During the last decade, the Russian Federation used military force in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria

Russia is apparently ready to use military means. It is therefore important to understand how, in the worst case, they can be used. Evidenced by military training,
– noted Norberg.

Where did the Russian military training take place? Russian warships on the eve of military exercises in the Black Sea. There, the Russian army fired missiles and artillery. In particular, the crews of the naval bases of Crimea and Novorossiisk "began to teach in accordance with the combat training plan"

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