Russia will not pay contributions to the Council of Europe to renew the rights of the Russian delegation,


Russia refuses to pay its contributions to the Council of Europe until the Russian delegation is restored

In a statement posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Russia. "Last year, the powers of our parliamentarians were not reinstated and, therefore, there is no reason to restore payments," the statement said

. At the same time, the Russians insinuate that they can not recognize the legitimacy of PACE officials. "The thoughtless actions of the PACE have already made that almost half of the judges of the European Court of Human Rights and the Commissioner for Human Rights are elected without the participation of parliamentarians Russian, and the elections of the Secretary-General will be held in June 2019. The legitimacy of the Council of Europe officials, elected without Russian votes, are doubtful for us ", – says the Russian Foreign Ministry.

At the same time, the Russians welcome the work of the current Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Turbjörn Jagland and some other posts

"It should be noted that in Moscow , the efforts of all those who helped to overcome the systemic crisis, which endanger the very existence of the Council of Europe, are appreciated in Moscow and that the Secretary-General T. Jagland is in favor of the Preservation of the Council of Europe A unique pan-European legal area We look forward to the active role of the presiding countries in the Committee of Ministers for the coming year, a good mission to eliminate the imbalance in the rules. of PACE proceedings was created on the basis of the results of Ich-June under the leadership of the President of the Assembly, Mr Nikolette and with the participation of the Russian parliamentarians of the Special Committee on the role and the mission of l & # 3 9, PACE, the United States declares: "19659003".

"We confirm once again that after the full restoration of the rights of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the PACE, Russia will fulfill all its financial obligations to from the moment the decision to cease payments is compulsory "F.

PACE has the right to impose sanctions on the delegations of countries which violate the principles of the Council of Europe. For these reasons, in 2014 and 2015, PACE restricted the Russian delegation to rights. Since 2016, Russia has stopped participating in the work of the Assembly and has not submitted to Strasbourg a list of its deputies, thus avoiding confirmation of sanctions. Russia's work in all other organs of the Council of Europe continued

In 2017, Russia stopped making contributions to the Council of Europe budget, demanding that the PACE regulation introduces changes that do not impose sanctions on them.

The PACE Bureau decided to consider proposals for the return of the Russian delegation

The Ukrainian delegation did not address the Secretary General of the Council of the Russian Federation. Europe, Turbjörn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, save money on the organization in the context of the financial blackmail of Russia

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