Russian military forces in Kerch hide captured Ukrainian boats – UNN


KYIV. February 11th UNN. Russian occupation authorities moved and disguised the Ukrainian military boats "Nikopol" and "Berdyansk" to Kerch, as well as a tug of raids "Yana Kapu" seized by the RF army . UNN referring to "Crimea Realia"

As of February 11, Ukrainian ships are absent from the territory of the Kerch Pier, controlled by the Russian border guards, while they had been there before.

On November 25, 2018, Russian SSR warships were fired and seized by three naval ships, including Russian naval forces, naval forces, the armed forces of Ukraine, consist of two small armor artillery boats "Berdyansk" and "Nikopol" and the tug "Yana Kapu" who carried out the planned transfer from the port of Odessa to the Black Sea to the port of Mariupol, in the sea d Azov. Twenty-two Ukrainian sailors were arrested in occupied Crimea and then transferred to Moscow, where they were arrested until the end of April.

Recall that four Ukrainian sailors captured by Russians in November 2018 again declared that they were prisoners of war

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