Russian News – In the collapsed wall of the house Magnitogorsk where an explosion occurred: everything happened in the video


In the Russian city of Magnitogorsk, a wall of a residential building collapsed in a building in which an explosion took place on 1 January.

According to the information provided by PUBLIC LEGAL, RIA Novosti

"The disassembly work is in normal mode, today a wall between 7 and 8 entries has been dismantled.The technical fluctuations were 4.5 times less than those allowed, there was no scattering of debris, "said Yuri Ovcharov, managing director of the JSC" RVS "JSC contractor.

He specified that the adjacent entrance, the sixth, did not

Reminder to Magnitogorsk where, on January 1, an explosion in a residential building and the death of 39 people would have allowed to detect traces of hexogen. These are the rumors that spread right after the tragedy of the city.

Later, it was discovered that on January 1, Magnitogorsk launched the "Pelena" electronic complex, designed to protect against radio-controlled explosive devices, protect technical information and block cellular communications. .

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