Russian Patriarch Kirill said that Antichrist will go on the Internet


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Through the network, power will be concentrated in the hands of only one person, after attacking Gundyaev.

  Patriarch Kirill accused Internet of freely disseminating information / Photo UNIAN

Patriarch Kirill accused Internet of freely disseminating information / Photo of UNIAN [19659004] Patriarch Kirill of ROC declared that modern electronic gadgets Hiding The danger is that Antichrist can use the internet.

Read also The COR leader, Cyril, wrote a letter to Patriarch Bartholomew with threats through the New Church of Ukraine (document)

. the power will be concentrated in the hands of those who will know what is happening in the world, serious conversations between people … about projects in the field of economics and politics. The Antichrist is the person who will lead the World Wide Web, which controls the entire human race, "said Cyril in an interview with the Russian propaganda channel.

Despite his comments, he added that the church was not opposed to scientific and technological progress.

As reported by UNIAN, on January 5, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew signed Tomos, who granted independence status to the church. Orthodox Church of Ukraine, whose creation was announced at the Unit Council on December 15, 2018 and January 6 the event – the head of the Orthodox Church of в # <в # < Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanes of Istanbul, introduced to Tomos.

The head of the OCR Cyril called the newly formed Orthodox Church of Ukraine "an association of two factions of the schismatics "and declared his interference in religious affairs.
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