Russian poisoning agent "Novachkom" arms supplier in Ukraine – The Insider – News on UNN


KYIV. February 7, UNN. The two editions, The Insider and Bellingcat, revealed that the third (with "Petrov" and "Bashirov" of GRU) had executed the assassination attempt of the violinist in Salisbury under the name of "Sergei Viatikovich Fedotov , Novachkom "poisoning the arms supplier in Ukraine. This is an attempt against a Bulgarian businessman, Omeliana Gebreva, in April 2015. UNN referring to The Insider.

His personal name, Fedotov, as well as Chepiga with Mishkin, was received in 2010 and over the next 8 years, has actively traveled to Europe and Central Asia. Thus, "Fontanka" had already taken into account the fact that Fedotov, as well as "Bashirov" and "Petrov", first went to Prague in 2014, then to Great Britain – at the time of the 39, poisoning the Fiddlers.

Fedotov also went to Bulgaria during his stay. Omelyan Gebreva, poisoned local contractor. As established expert, he was poisoned by the paralyzing substance of the class of "newborns"

At the end of April 2014, "Fedotov" sailed from Moscow to to Burgas, Bulgaria. With him, he had a return ticket on April 30, but on the evening of the 28th, he was in Istanbul, where he bought a ticket for Moscow. Earlier that day, Bulgarian entrepreneur Omelyan Gebreva had been hospitalized after losing consciousness at the reception he had organized in Sofia. At about the same time, they were unhappy with the son of Hebrew and one of the main leaders of the society. All three were hospitalized with symptoms of serious intoxication.

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. were able to establish traces of two organophosphorus, indicating that the entrepreneur had attempted to kill the substance of the class "Novachka".

After that, Hebrew fell into a coma and its condition improved. Later in a conversation with Bellingcat and The Insider, he stated that his health condition had deteriorated again in May and that he had been hospitalized again.

It is added that in May, "Fedotov" flew to Bulgaria for three days and returned without order. Flight and snagging through Serbia.

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When asked why he might be interested in the GRU, the Hebrew replied that he saw only two possible reasons: firstly, his company Ukraine provided arms and, secondly, the Russia could claim a weapons factory under its control.

It should be remembered that in the poisoning of Sergeant "Newbie" Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, committed in British Salisbury in March 2018, the United Kingdom accused Ruslana Boshirova and Oleksandr Petrov, members of the HRU. Bellingcat, The Insider, the Conflict Intelligence Team and Project named their real names – Anatoly Chepyga and Alexander Myshkin.

According to a joint investigation by Bellingcat and The Insider, Chepiga is the colonel of the Russian Armed Forces General Directorate (formerly GRU). He went three times on a business trip to Chechnya. The unit in which Chepiga served was seen next to the Ukrainian border in 2014.

The same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded him the title of "Hero of Russia" for leading a peacekeeping mission. Mishkin, who has received medical training in one of the military academies, is also a special services officer. He received the title of Russian hero in 2014, according to the information of the investigation.

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