Russian roulette game: a police officer from St. Louis reportedly was intoxicated when he allegedly shot another police officer


St. Louis – In a report of police misconduct obtained by CBS St. Louis affiliated KMOV-TV, a police lieutenant says that the agent Nathaniel Hendren and his partner have "consumed alcoholic beverages "while he was on duty killed by Hendren at a Russian roulette party.

On January 24, Lieutenant William Brown filed the complaint at 1:30 am, alleging "conduct unbecoming an officer" and suggesting that the two men also violated a regulation that "no employee must report to work or remain on duty with an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or more, and no employee may consume alcohol while on duty and / or as part of the city's activities. "

At a press conference on Thursday, police chief John Hayden said," The circumstances surrounding the shooting were far more serious. "

The Associate Attorney Hendren says that his client drank a few sips of beer at Hendren's, but that he threw the rest in the sink.

Police said that Alix, Hendren and his partner S & H Were met at Hendren's while Hendren and his partner were on duty and Alix was not in use.

  190131-nathaniel-hendren.png "height =" 349 "width =" 620 "class =" lazyload "data-srcset =" / 2019/01/31 / 337cd5ee -E772-4337-833e-1ab90a15845c / thumbnail / 620x349 / 8306ced7d49a2dd8 8h-1h-2h-1h-1h-2h-2h-1h-2h-1h07cb6877e2bf94b98c / 190131-nathaniel-hendren.png 1x "srcset =" data: image / svg + xml% 3C 2F2000% 2Fsvg% 20viewBox% 3D% 0% 200% 20620% 20349% 2F% 3E "/> [19659007] Nathaniel Hendren, the St. Louis police officer accused of killing and killing an officer on leave in a Russian roulette game, bound, Thursday, January 31, 2019, and coming out of prison on this picture provided by the affiliate of CBS, KMOV-TV. </span></p>
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The apartment is located three miles from the district in which Hendren and his partner were assigned.

Hendren allegedly made a revolver, emptied the cylinder, and then put a bullet cartridge back into the cylinder

Hendren then turned the cylinder, pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, but did not drawn.

Alix then took the pistol and pointed it at Hendren and pulled the trigger, but the pistol still did not fire.

Hendren then took the gun from Alix and pulled the trigger, shooting at Alix in the chest, the police said. She died later in a hospital.

Katlyn Alix in an undated photo

CBS News

Hendren, charged with manslaughter, was released on bail Thursday after a judge raised his bail of $ 50,000 to $ 100,000.

Hendren is under house arrest and does not have access to firearms, but it is unknown whether he is locked up at his home, at nearby relatives or elsewhere.

Hayden Starting today, supervisors and commanders will be present on all calls to convince officers to stay in their assigned districts.

Shift commanders will also confirm the location of their officers every hour using radios and GPS location information. 19659021] [ad_2]
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