Salah starts looking for the missing plane with Salah


The Aviation Investigation Advisory Committee (AAIB) begins a new stage in the search for a missing aircraft on which Emiliano Sala of Cardiff was located.

Today, February 3, AAIB specialists aboard a Geo Ocean III ship will search for a missing aircraft. BBC

Part of the Salae aircraft found on the French coast

This research phase will last 3 days

At the same time as the AIBB, the aircraft will search for a private vessel that can operate until the fragments will not be found.

Remember, Sala spent Nantes in Cardiff for a record for a British club 17 million euros. The radar disappeared on January 21, when a plane with a footballer flew to England.

"Help me kill – fly free": correspondence with Emiliano Saly and the sensational organizer of a tragic robbery

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