Samsung Galaxy S10 has a critical disadvantage


Samsung will soon launch new models of its proprietary mobile devices with advanced hardware. Of course, this is the Samsung Galaxy S10, which will take place on February 20, 2019 in San Francisco. The novelty will come in several versions, which will be different from each other design, material capabilities and of course the price. Although the sale of this smartphone only begins in a month and a half, it was now possible to know the details of a critical disadvantage.

The Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone will be the first in the world to offer an ultrasonic fingerprint reader based on Qualcomm technology. According to the manufacturer Armadilotek accessories, for the new flagship of the South Korean company will not be issued a protective glass. If you paste this on the screen, the fingerprint module will be very bad or will stop working at all. These limitations are due to the fact that ultrasound can only "pierce" a certain thickness of glass.

This feature is guaranteed as a critical disadvantage, because the Samsung Galaxy S10's screen is the most expensive component. In order to protect it a lot, it is guaranteed to want to stick a protective glass and in this case, the ultrasonic fingerprint reader will stop. The only way out of this situation is to use a thin protective film, but it can even affect the sensitivity of the fingerprint module and does not close the entire screen due to its curved shape. [Malheureusementl'utilisationduverredeprotectionetLesfilmsdelafuturenouveautédevrontêtreoubliéscarleurutilisationperturberalaperformancedel'unedesprincipalescaractéristiquesduSamsungGalaxyS10Onnesaitpassilefabricantenparleralorsdel'annoncemaisc'esttrèspeuprobableCertestoutcelaestfaux-seraconnuimmédiatementdèsqueleproduitpharedelaCoréeduSudaveclescannerd'empreintesdigitalestomberaentrelesmainsdespremiersacheteurs[19659004] (function (d, s, id) {
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