Samsung has created a flash drive of a terabyte for the smartphone


Samsung announced the release of a new generation of storage devices for its peripherals.

The capacity of the drive is 1 TB (terabyte). The model was named Samsung 1 TB eUFS 2.1, writes Ukrinform.

"The AUTS capacity of a terabyte will play a decisive role in providing a more user-friendly, next-generation user interface," said Samsung vice president of marketing Chol Choi.

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The capacity of the drive is of 1 TB.

The reader consists of 16 layers of V-NAND chips of 512 gigabits The speed of the model is 1000 MB / s This will require 5 seconds to be transferred to the memory of a file Full HD video of 5 GB.

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To record videos on a smartphone The 4K UHD format (3840 x 2160) will take 10 minutes

The production of Samsung eUFS 2.1 1 TB has been installed in the Phenthek plant in Korea and will be available on the market at the end of March.

Huawei could become a manufacturer of smartphones with an ultra-integrated flash drive NEO-AL00 should receive 512 GB of memory, but the maximum amount of memory martphone did not exceed 256 GB. The amount of operator is 6 GB

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